1. Por fim estes três homens cessaram de responder a Job, porque se tinha por justo.

1. These three men stopped arguing with Job, because he was convinced of his uprightness.

2. Então Eliú, filho de Baraquel de Buz, da família de Ram, encheu-se de indignação, e irritou-se contra Job, porque este dizia que era justo diante de Deus.

2. But Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite, of the clan of Ram, became very angry. He fumed with rage against Job for thinking that he was right and God was wrong;

3. Irritou-se também contra os seus amigos, por não terem achado resposta conveniente para lhe dar, e por, apesar disso, o haverem condenado.

3. and he was equally angry with the three friends for giving up the argument and thus putting God in the wrong.

4. Eliú havia esperado calado, enquanto eles falavam com Job, porquanto eram mais velhos.

4. While they and Job were talking, Elihu had waited, because they were older than he was;

5. Mas, quando viu que os três não lhe puderam responder, indignou-se fortemente.

5. but when he saw that the three men had not another word to say in answer, his anger burst out.

6. Então, tomando a palavra Eliú, filho de Baraquel de Buz, disse: Sou novo ainda, e vós já velhos; portanto, abaixando a minha cabeça, não me atrevi a expor-vos o meu parecer.

6. And Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite began to speak. He said: I am still young, and you are old, so I was shy and hesitant to tell you what I know.

7. Eu esperava que falasse (com argumentos sólidos) a idade mais madura, e que os muitos anos ensinassem a sabedoria,

7. I thought, 'Age ought to speak, advancing years will convey wisdom.'

8. Sentido deste versículo: Deus deu aos homens uma alma racional capaz de compreender a verdade, mas a verdadeira sabedoria provém de uma inspiração particular do mesmo Deus.

8. There is, you see, a spirit residing in humanity, the breath of God conferring intelligence.

9. Mas, pelo que vejo, é o espirito de Deus nos homens, é a inspiração do Omnipotente que dá a inteligência.

9. Great age does not give wisdom, nor seniority fair judgement.

10. Não são sábios os de muita idade, nem os anciãos os que julgam o que é justo.

10. And so I ask you for a hearing; now it is my turn to tell what I know.

11. Portanto falarei: Ouvi-me, eu vos mostrarei também o meu pensamento.

11. Up to now, I was hanging on your words, I paid attention to your arguments as each of you chose his words.

12. Falarei, e respirarei um pouco; abrirei os meus lábios, e responderei.

12. I paid very close attention; and I see that none of you has confounded Job, not one of you has refuted what he says.

13. Não farei aceitação de pessoa, não adularei seja quem for.

13. So do not say, 'We have found wisdom; our teaching is divine and not human.'

14. Não sei usar circunlóquios, e por um pouco me suportará o meu Criador.

14. I am not going to follow the same line of argument; my reply to Job will be couched in different terms.


15. They are nonplussed for an answer, words have failed them.


16. I have been waiting. Since they do not speak, since they have given up the argument,


17. now I shall have my say, my turn has come to say what I know.


18. For I am full of words and forced to speak by a spirit within me;


19. within me, it feels like new wine seeking a vent, bursting out of new wine-skins.


20. To gain relief, I must speak, I must open my lips and reply.


21. I shall not take anyone's side, I shall not flatter anyone.


22. I do not know how to flatter -- or my Creator would make short work of me.

“Diga ao Senhor: Faça em mim segundo a Tua vontade, mas antes de mandar-me o sofrimento, dê-me forças para que eu possa sofrer com amor.”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina