1. Feliz el marido de mujer buena, el número de sus días se duplicará.

1. How blessed is the husband of a really good wife; the number of his days will be doubled.

2. Mujer varonil da contento a su marido, que acaba en paz la suma de sus años.

2. A perfect wife is the joy of her husband, he will live out the years of his life in peace.

3. Mujer buena es buena herencia, asignada a los que temen al Señor:

3. A good wife is the best of portions, reserved for those who fear the Lord;

4. sea rico o pobre, su corazón es feliz, en todo tiempo alegre su semblante.

4. rich or poor, their hearts will be glad, their faces cheerful, whatever the season.

5. Tres cosas hay que teme mi corazón, y una cuarta me espanta: desunión de ciudad, motín de plebe, y falsa acusación: todo ello más penoso que la muerte;

5. There are three things that I dread, and a fourth which terrifies me: slander by a whole town, the gathering of a mob, and a false accusation -- these are all worse than death;

6. pero dolor de corazón y duelo es una mujer celosa de otra, látigo de lengua que con todos se enzarza.

6. but a woman jealous of a woman means heartbreak and sorrow, and all this is the scourge of the tongue.

7. Yugo mal sujeto es la mujer mala, tratar de dominarla es como agarrar un escorpión.

7. A bad wife is a badly fitting ox-yoke, trying to master her is like grasping a scorpion.

8. Blanco de gran ira es la mujer bebedora, no podrá ocultar su ignominia.

8. A drunken wife will goad anyone to fury, she cannot conceal her own degradation.

9. La lujuria de la mujer se ve en la procacidad de sus ojos, en sus párpados se reconoce.

9. A woman's wantonness shows in her wide-eyed look, her eyelashes leave no doubt.

10. Sobre hija desenvuelta refuerza la guardia, no sea que, si ve descuido, se aproveche.

10. Keep a headstrong daughter under firm control, or, feeling free, she will take advantage of it.

11. Guárdate de ir tras ojos descarados, no te extrañes si te llevan al mal.

11. Keep a strict watch on her shameless eye, do not be surprised if she disgraces you.

12. Cual caminante sediento abre ella la boca, y de toda agua que se topa bebe; ante toda clavija de tienda, impúdica, se sienta, y a toda flecha abre su aljaba.

12. Like a thirsty traveller she will open her mouth and drink any water she comes across; she will sit down in front of every tent-peg and open her quiver to any arrow.

13. La gracia de la mujer recrea a su marido, y su ciencia reconforta sus huesos.

13. The grace of a wife will charm her husband, her understanding will make him the stronger.

14. Un don del Señor la mujer silenciosa, no tiene precio la bien educada.

14. A silent wife is a gift from the Lord, no price can be put on a well-trained character.

15. Gracia de gracias la mujer pudorosa, no hay medida para pesar a la dueña de sí misma.

15. A modest wife is a boon twice over, a chaste character cannot be over-valued.

16. Sol que sale por las alturas del Señor es la belleza de la mujer buena en una casa en orden.

16. Like the sun rising over the mountains of the Lord, such is the beauty of a good wife in a well-run house.

17. Lámpara que brilla en sagrado candelero es la hermosura de un rostro sobre un cuerpo esbelto.

17. Like a lamp shining on the sacred lamp-stand, such is a beautiful face on a well-proportioned body.

18. Columnas de oro sobre basas de plata, las bellas pierras sobre talones firmes.

18. Like golden pillars on a silver base, such are shapely legs on firm-set heels.

19. Dos cosas entristecen mi corazón y la tercera me produce mal humor: el guerrero que desfallece de indigencia, los inteligentes cuando son menospreciados, y el que de la justicia al pecado reincide: el Señor le destina a la espada.


20. Difícilmente se libra de falta el negociante, el comerciante no quedará limpio de pecado.

















28. There are two things which grieve my heart and a third arouses my anger: a warrior wasting away through poverty, the intelligent treated with contempt, someone turning back from virtue to sin -- the Lord marks out such a person for a violent death.


29. It is difficult for a merchant to avoid doing wrong and for a trader not to incur sin.

“O amor sem temor torna-se presunção.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina