1. Si haces el bien, mira a quién lo haces, y por tus beneficios recibirás favor.

1. If you mean to do a kindness, choose the right person, then your good deeds will not be wasted.

2. Haz bien al piadoso; hallarás recompensa, si no de él, al menos del Altísimo.

2. Do good to someone devout, and you will be rewarded, if not by that person, then certainly by the Most High.

3. No habrá bienes para el que en mal persiste, ni para quien no agradece la limosna.

3. No good will come to one who persists in evil, or who refuses to give alms.

4. Da al hombre piadoso, y del pecador no te cuides.

4. Give to the devout, do not go to the help of a sinner.

5. Haz bien al humilde y no des al impío; niégale su pan, no se lo des, para que no llegue con ello a dominarte. Pues un mal duplicado encontrarías por todos los bienes que le hubieres hecho.

5. Do good to the humble, give nothing to the godless. Refuse him bread, do not give him any, it might make him stronger than you are; then you would be repaid evil twice over for all the good you had done him.

6. Que también el Altísimo odia a los pecadores, y de los impíos tomará venganza.

6. For the Most High himself detests sinners, and will repay the wicked with what they deserve.

7. Da al hombre de bien, y del pecador no te cuides.

7. Give to the good, and do not go to the help of a sinner.

8. No se demuestra en la prosperidad el amigo, ni queda oculto en la adversidad el enemigo.

8. In prosperity you cannot always tell a true friend, but in adversity you cannot mistake an enemy.

9. Cuando hay prosperidad, los enemigos se entristecen, mas en la adversidad, hasta el amigo se aleja.

9. When someone is doing well that person's enemies are sad, when someone is doing badly, even a friend will keep at a distance.

10. No confíes jamás en tu enemigo, que cual bronce roñoso, así es su maldad.

10. Do not ever trust an enemy; as bronze tarnishes, so does an enemy's malice.

11. Aunque se haga el humilde y camine encorvado, mira por ti mismo y guárdate de él. Pórtate con él como el que pule un espejo, sábete que no retendrá hasta el fin su roña.

11. Even if he behaves humbly and comes bowing and scraping, maintain your reserve and be on your guard against him. Behave towards him as if you were polishing a mirror, you will find that his tarnish cannot last.

12. No le pongas junto a ti, no sea que se te revuelva y suplante tu puesto. No le sientes a tu diestra, no sea que tu asiento pretenda, y que al fin comprendas mis palabras, y te pese al recordar mis consejos.

12. Do not stand him beside you in case he thrusts you out and takes your place. Do not seat him on your right, or he will be after your position, and then you will remember what I have said and sadly admit that I was right.

13. ¿Quién se compadecerá del encantador mordido de serpiente y de todos los que se acercan a las fieras?

13. Who feels sorry for a snake-charmer bitten by a snake, or for those who take risks with savage animals? -

14. Lo mismo le ocurre al que convive con el pecador y comparte sus pecados.

14. just so for one who consorts with a sinner, and becomes an accomplice in his sins.

15. Una hora aguantará contigo, mas si te desmandas, no lo soportará.

15. He will stay with you for a while, but if you once give way he will press his advantage.

16. En sus labios pone dulzura el enemigo, mas en su corazón trama arrojarte a la fosa. En sus ojos lagrimea el enemigo, mas si topa ocasión, no se verá harto de tu sangre.

16. An enemy may have sweetness on his lips, and in his heart a scheme to throw you into the ditch. An enemy may have tears in his eyes, but if he gets a chance there can never be too much blood for him.

17. Si los males te visitan, primero que tú le encontrarás allí, fingiendo ayurdarte te agarrará el talón.

17. If you meet with misfortune, you will find him there before you, and, pretending to help you, he will trip you up.

18. Meneará su cabeza, batirá palmas, cuchicheará mucho y mudará de cara.

18. He will wag his head and clap his hands, he will whisper a lot and his expression will change.

“Os talentos de que fala o Evangelho são os cinco sentidos, a inteligência e a vontade. Quem tem mais talentos, tem maior dever de usá-los para o bem dos outros.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina