1. Ao mestre do coro. Salmo. De Davide.

1. [For the choirmaster Of David Psalm] Yahweh, you examine me and know me,

2. Livra-me, Senhor, do homem malvado, preserva-me do homem violento:

2. you know when I sit, when I rise, you understand my thoughts from afar.

3. dos que maquinam maldades no coração, que todo o dia provocam litígios.

3. You watch when I walk or lie down, you know every detail of my conduct.

4. Aguçam as suas línguas como a serpente: têm veneno de áspides debaixo de seus lábios.

4. A word is not yet on my tongue before you, Yahweh, know all about it.

5. Salva-me, Senhor, das mãos do iníquo, protege-me do homem violento: (dos) que procuram desviar os meus passos,

5. You fence me in, behind and in front, you have laid your hand upon me.

6. (dos que são) orgulhosos e me armam ocultamente um laço, e estendem as suas cordas à maneira de rede, e junto do caminho me põem tropeços.

6. Such amazing knowledge is beyond me, a height to which I cannot attain.

7. Eu digo ao Senhor: Tu és o meu Deus; atende, Senhor, à voz da minha súplica.

7. Where shall I go to escape your spirit? Where shall I flee from your presence?

8. Ó Senhor Deus, meu poderoso auxílio! Tu pões a coberto a minha cabeça no dia da batalha.

8. If I scale the heavens you are there, if I lie flat in Sheol, there you are.

9. Não cedas, Senhor, aos desejos do iníquo, não secundes os seus planos.

9. If I speed away on the wings of the dawn, if I dwell beyond the ocean,

10. Erguem a cabeça os que me rodeiam: oprima-os a malícia dos seus lábios.

10. even there your hand will be guiding me, your right hand holding me fast.

11. Chovam sobre eles carvões ardentes; sejam precipitados numa cova, para que não mais se levantem.

11. I will say, 'Let the darkness cover me, and the night wrap itself around me,'

12. O homem de má língua não durará sobre a terra; o homem violento será colhido de improviso pela desdita.

12. even darkness to you is not dark, and night is as clear as the day.

13. Sei que o Senhor dá razão ao indigente, e justiça aos pobres.

13. You created my inmost self, knit me together in my mother's womb.

14. Sim, os justos celebrarão o teu nome, os homens rectos habitarão na tua presença.

14. For so many marvels I thank you; a wonder am I, and all your works are wonders. You knew me through and through,


15. my being held no secrets from you, when I was being formed in secret, textured in the depths of the earth.


16. Your eyes could see my embryo. In your book all my days were inscribed, every one that was fixed is there.


17. How hard for me to grasp your thoughts, how many, God, there are!


18. If I count them, they are more than the grains of sand; if I come to an end, I am still with you.


19. If only, God, you would kill the wicked!-Men of violence, keep away from me!-


20. those who speak blasphemously about you, and take no account of your thoughts.


21. Yahweh, do I not hate those who hate you, and loathe those who defy you?


22. My hate for them has no limits, I regard them as my own enemies.


23. God, examine me and know my heart, test me and know my concerns.


24. Make sure that I am not on my way to ruin, and guide me on the road of eternity.

“Quando fizer o bem, esqueça. Se fizer o mal, pense no que fez e se arrependa.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina