1. Do not flatter thyself with hopes of to-morrow; what lies in the womb of the future thou canst not tell.

2. Seek praise, but not of thy own bestowing; another’s lips, not thine, must sound it.

3. What is more crushing than stone, more burdensome than sand? A fool’s ill humour.

4. Fierce, fierce is rage, and indignation mounts like a flood, but the pangs of jealousy, these there is no resisting.

5. Better open reproof than the love that gives no sign.

6. Better the love that scourges, than hate’s false kiss.

7. Full-fed spurns the honeycomb; to Hunger’s lips, bitter is sweet.

8. When bird leaves nest, let a man leave his home.

9. Sweeter than ointment, sweeter than any perfume, when man’s heart talks to heart of friend.

10. Friend of thine, and friend that was thy father’s, never forsake; so, in thy sore need, no kinsman’s door thou shalt need to enter.Neighbour over the way is better than kinsman at a distance.

11. My son, wouldst thou be thy father’s pride? Court wisdom, and silence thy detractors.

12. When ill times come, prudence is on its guard, and takes refuge; the unwary march on, and pay the penalty.✻

13. Does a man go bail for a stranger? Without more ado, take his garment from him; who trusts without knowledge, forfeits the pledge.✻

14. So early abroad, so loudly wishing thy neighbour well? This is curse, not blessing.✻

15. Between a scold and a roof that drips in winter there is nothing to choose.

16. As well store up the wind in thy house, though thou call her the marrow of thy right hand.✻

17. Iron whets iron, friend shapes friend.

18. If figs thou wouldst eat, tend thy fig-tree well; if honour thou wouldst have, wait well on thy master.

19. Clear as a face mirrored in water, the wise see men’s hearts.✻

20. Death and the grave were never yet content, nor man’s eyes with gazing.

21. Silver and gold are judged by furnace and crucible, man by his repute.✻ (Heart of knave is ever set on mischief, heart of true man on wisdom.)

22. Bray a fool like corn, with pestle and mortar, he will be a fool still.

23. Spent be thy care, thy eyes watchful, over flock and herd of thine;

24. riches will slip from thy grasp, and crowns, will they last for ever?✻

25. See, where the meadows are laid bare, and the aftermath is springing, the hay all carried, now, from the hill-slopes!

26. Pasture for the lambs that shall clothe thee, for the goats that shall be the price of more fields yet;

27. goat’s milk, too, shall suffice to feed thee, give life and strength to thy men and thy serving-maids.

“Todas as percepções humanas, de onde quer que venham, incluem o bem e o mal. É necessário saber determinar e assimilar todo o bem e oferecê-lo a Deus, e eliminar todo o mal.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina