1. Forget not then, my son, the teaching I give thee; lock these words of mine close in thy bosom;

2. long years they shall bring thee of life well spent, and therewith prosperity.

3. Two things must never leave thee, kindness and loyalty; be these the seals that hang about thy neck, graven be this inscription with thy heart for tablet;

4. so both to God and man thou shalt be friend and confidant.

5. Put all thy heart’s confidence in the Lord, on thy own skill relying never;

6. wilt thou but keep him in thy thoughts wherever thou goest, he will shew thee the straight path.

7. Do not give thyself airs of wisdom; enough that thou shouldst fear God and shun ill-doing;

8. here is health for the midmost of thy being, here is sap for the marrow of thy bones.

9. Pay the Lord his due with what goods thou hast, letting him share the first-fruits of every crop;

10. so shall plenty fill thy barn, so shall thy wine-press overflow at the vintage.

11. My son, do not undervalue the correction the Lord sends thee, do not be unmanned when he reproves thy faults.

12. It is where he loves that he bestows correction, like a father whose son is dear to him.

13. Happy the man whose treasure-trove is wisdom, who is rich in discernment;

14. silver and finest gold are less profitable in the handling.

15. More rare is it than all things else; no prize thou covetest that can match it.

16. Long life wisdom holds out to thee in one hand, riches and glory in the other;

17. where she guides, journeying is pleasant, where she points the way, all is peace.

18. Take hold of her, clasp her to thee, and the Tree of Life itself could not make thee more blessed.

19. Not without these, wisdom and discernment, the Lord based earth, the Lord framed heaven;

20. not without skill of his did the waters well up from beneath us, or the dews fall in mist.

21. My son, never lose sight of what I am telling thee; cling to the wholesome dictates of prudence,

22. that will quicken life within thee, sparkle like jewels on thy breast.

23. Securely thou shalt walk, with no fear of stumbling,

24. fearlessly thou shalt lie down to rest, and enjoy untroubled sleep;

25. let no sudden alarm affright thee, though godless enemies press thee hard;

26. the Lord will be at thy side, and keep thy feet clear of the snares they lay for thee.

27. Suffer him to do kindness who may, and thou thyself, when thou mayest, do kindness;✻

28. never bid a friend come back tomorrow for the gift that might be made to-day.

29. Never plot harm against the friend that suspects no harm of thee,

30. or pick a quarrel with one who has done thee no injury.

31. Do not envy the prosperity of the wrong-doer, and be led away by his example;

32. knavery the Lord hates, and keeps for honest men his familiar friendship.

33. Still on the home of the wicked the Lord’s ban falls, his blessing where uprightness dwells;

34. he laughs at the mocker, grants his favours to the humble,

35. and the wise shall win renown; only to their shame are fools exalted.

“Não há nada mais inaceitável do que uma mulher caprichosa, frívola e arrogante, especialmente se é casada. Uma esposa cristã deve ser uma mulher de profunda piedade em relação a Deus, um anjo de paz na família, digna e agradável em relação ao próximo.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina