1. Precious beyond all treasure is good repute; not gold or silver is so worth the winning, as to be loved.

2. Rich and poor dwell ever side by side, God’s creatures both of them.

3. When ill times come, prudence is on its guard, and takes refuge; the unwary march on, and pay the penalty.

4. Humility brings fear of the Lord, and therewith riches, honour and long life.

5. Stake and caltrop beset the path of the wicked; as thou lovest life, keep thy distance.

6. There is a proverb; a boy will keep the course he has begun; even when he grows old, he will not leave it.✻

7. Rich rules poor, debtor must wait on creditor.

8. Who sows mischief, reaps a sorry crop; ere long, the flail of his malice will have done its work.✻

9. For every loaf of bread given to the hungry, blessing shall be the reward of kindly hearts. (A renowned victory he wins, that is a bestower of gifts, and living men are the spoils of it.✻ )

10. Banish the reckless spirit, and strife goes out with him; thou art rid of quarrelling and of disgrace.

11. Love purity of heart, and thou shalt find such gracious words as shall win thee a king’s friendship.

12. True knowledge has the Lord’s smile for its protection; the schemer’s cause he will overthrow.

13. Out? says Sloth; why, there is a lion without; wouldst thou have me slain in the open street?

14. Like a deep pit is the flattery of wanton wife; they only are ensnared, whom the Lord loves little.

15. Boyhood’s mind is loaded with a pack of folly, that needs the rod of correction to shift it.

16. Oppress the poor for thy enrichment, and ere long a richer man’s claim shall impoverish thee.✻

17. Wouldst thou but give heed, and listen to wise counsels, take these my warnings to heart!

18. Digest them well, and they shall bring back a sweet taste to thy lips;

19. to fill thy own heart too with confidence in the Lord, is the sum of my present teaching.

20. Not once nor twice have I warned thee and instructed thee,

21. so as to ground thee in true doctrine, and send thee home supplied with ready answers concerning it.

22. Never oppress the poor; his poverty protects him; never bear hard on the friendless at law;

23. be sure the Lord will grant them redress, and claim life for life.

24. Never let a quarreller, a man of angry moods, be thy friend; go thy way, and let him go his;

25. ill habits are soon learned, to the sudden peril of thy life.

26. Leave it to others to engage themselves, and go bail for their neighbour’s debts;

27. for thyself, thou hast no means of payment; wouldst thou see the clothes stripped from thy bed?

28. Pass not beyond the ancient bounds which thy fathers have set.

29. Mark me the man whose task is deftly done; he is for the court, no common service shall be his.

“Jesus vê, conhece e pesa todas as suas ações.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina