1. Here is Bel fallen in pieces, Nabo shattered;✻ their idols a gazing-stock for wild beasts and cattle! Heavy enough the burden you had to carry;

2. these must be left to moulder in a common ruin; comfort they had none for their toiling worshippers,✻ living souls that have gone off into captivity.

3. Listen to me, sons of Jacob, and all the rest of Israel’s race, you whose weight has ever been my burden, like an unborn child, a babe in the womb.

4. You grow old, but I am still the same; the grey hairs come, but I ever uphold you; I must carry you, I that created you, I must bear you away to safety.

5. What comparison, what match will you find for me, what likeness to resemble me?

6. Fools that fetch gold out of a sack, weigh silver in the balance, bid some craftsman make a god they should fall down and worship!

7. Shoulder-high it must be borne, set down on its pedestal; there it stands, powerless to move from its place, deaf to their cry, and in their need bringing no deliverance.

8. This, for your confusion, call to mind; think well on it, unbelieving hearts.

9. Remember the lesson of times long since, that I am God, and there is no other, none to rival me;

10. did I not tell you from the first the events of latter days, from the beginning what had not yet come to be? My purpose, I promised, should not fail, my whole will must needs be done.

11. See where I have summoned a bird of prey from the east, a man from a distant country, to do this will of mine! I, that spoke, will make my word good; I, that purposed it, my purpose will accomplish.

12. Redress far off? Nay, faithless hearts, listen to me;

13. here is redress I bring you, close at hand. Distance there is none to be travelled, nor lingers deliverance on the way. Delivered Sion’s mountain shall be, Jerusalem have sight of my glory.

“Onde há mais sacrifício, há mais generosidade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina