Isaiah, 12
1. Angry with me, Lord? thou wilt say, when that day comes; ay, thou wast angry with me, but now, praised be thy name, the storm has passed; all is consolation.
2. God is here to deliver me; I will go forward confidently, and not be afraid; source of my strength, theme of my praise, the Lord has made himself my protector.✻
3. So, rejoicing, you shall drink deep from the fountain of deliverance;
4. singing, when that day comes, Praise the Lord, and call upon his name, tell the story of his doings among all the nations, keep the majesty of his name in grateful remembrance.
5. Sing in honour of the great deeds the Lord has done, make them known for all the world to hear.
6. Cry aloud in praise, people of Sion; great is the Holy One of Israel, that dwells among you.