1. From Paul, Sylvanus and Timothy, to the church of the Thessalonians which is in God our Father and in Christ Jesus, the Lord.

2. May grace and peace be yours from God the Father and Christ Jesus, the Lord.

3. Brothers and sisters, we should give thanks to God at all times for you. It is fitting to do so, for your faith is growing and your love for one another increasing.

4. We take pride in you among the churches of God because of your endurance and your faith in the midst of persecution and sufferings.

5. In this the just judgment of God may be seen; for you must show yourselves worthy of the kingdom of God for which you are now suffering.

6. Indeed, it is just that God repays with affliction those who persecute you,

7. but to you who suffer, he will grant rest with us when the Lord Jesus will be shown in his Glory, coming from heaven and surrounded by his court of angels.

8. Then with flaming fire will be punished those who do not recognize God and do not obey the Gospel of Jesus, our Lord.

9. They will be sent to eternal damnation far away from the face of the Lord and his mighty glory.

10. On that day the Lord will be glorified in the midst of his saints, and reveal his wonders through those who believe in him, that is through you who have received our testimony.

11. This is why we constantly pray for you; may our God make you worthy of his calling. May he, by his power, fulfill your good purposes and your work prompted by faith.

12. In that way, the name of Jesus our Lord will be glorified through you, and you through him, according to the loving plan of God and of Christ Jesus the Lord.

“Tenhamos sempre horror ao pecado mortal e nunca deixemos de caminhar na estrada da santa eternidade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina