Encontrados 23 resultados para: Faithfulness

  • The LORD will reward each man for his justice and faithfulness. Today, though the LORD delivered you into my grasp, I would not harm the LORD'S anointed. (1 Samuel 26, 23)

  • I trust in your faithfulness. Grant my heart joy in your help, That I may sing of the LORD, "How good our God has been to me!" (Psalms 13, 6)

  • Your love is before my eyes; I walk guided by your faithfulness. (Psalms 26, 3)

  • "What gain is there from my lifeblood, from my going down to the grave? Does dust give you thanks or declare your faithfulness? (Psalms 30, 10)

  • Turn back the evil upon my foes; in your faithfulness, destroy them. (Psalms 54, 7)

  • For your love towers to the heavens; your faithfulness, to the skies. (Psalms 57, 11)

  • That I may praise you with the lyre for your faithfulness, my God, And sing to you with the harp, O Holy One of Israel! (Psalms 71, 22)

  • Will shelter you with pinions, spread wings that you may take refuge; God's faithfulness is a protecting shield. (Psalms 91, 4)

  • To proclaim your love in the morning, your faithfulness in the night, (Psalms 92, 3)

  • before the LORD who comes, who comes to govern the earth, To govern the world with justice and the peoples with faithfulness. (Psalms 96, 13)

  • good indeed is the LORD, Whose love endures forever, whose faithfulness lasts through every age. (Psalms 100, 5)

  • For your love towers to the heavens; your faithfulness, to the skies. (Psalms 108, 5)

“O amor e o temor devem sempre andar juntos. O temor sem amor torna-se covardia. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina