Encontrados 46 resultados para: Faithfulness
saying, "Blessed be Yahweh, God of my master Abraham, who has not stopped showing kindness and faithfulness to my master. Yahweh has guided me to the house of my master's brother." (Genesis 24, 27)
Now let me know whether you intend to show kindness and faithfulness to my master; if not, tell me and I shall know which way to turn." (Genesis 24, 49)
I am unworthy of the kindness and faithfulness you have shown to me, for with only my staff I crossed the Jordan and now I have enough to form two companies. (Genesis 32, 10)
Are you setting out when you have just arrived? Shall I make you wander about with us? Go back, take your brothers with you and may Yahweh show you kindness and faithfulness. (2 Samuel 15, 20)
The ways of the Lord are love and faithfulness for those who keep his covenant and precepts. (Psalms 25, 10)
For your love is ever before my eyes, and I live in truth and faithfulness. (Psalms 26, 3)
"What good would there be in my destruction, in my going down to the pit? Would my dust give you praise? Would it prove your faithfulness? (Psalms 30, 10)
Your love, O God, reaches the heavens; your faithfulness, to the clouds. (Psalms 36, 6)
I have not locked up in my heart your saving help, but have spoken about it - your deliverance and your faithfulness; I have made no secret of your truth and your kindness in the great assembly. (Psalms 40, 11)
Do not withhold from me, O Lord, your mercy; let your love and faithfulness preserve me constantly. (Psalms 40, 12)
May their evil plots rebound on them; in your faithfulness destroy them! (Psalms 54, 7)
may he send from heaven a savior and put my oppressors to shame. May God send me his love and faithfulness. (Psalms 57, 4)