1. Ao mestre do coro. Maskil De Davide,

1. [For the choirmaster Of David When the prophet Nathan had come to him because he had gone to Bathsheba] Have mercy on me, O God, in your faithful love, in your great tenderness wipe away my offences;

2. depois que Doeg Idumeu foi informar Saul, dizendo: Davide entrou em casa de Aquimeleque.

2. wash me clean from my guilt, purify me from my sin.

3. Por que te glorias da tua malícia, ó infame prepotente? A toda a hora

3. For I am well aware of my offences, my sin is constantly in mind.

4. maquinas a perdição, a tua língua é como navalha afiada, ó artífice de enganos. (ver nota)

4. Against you, you alone, I have sinned, I have done what you see to be wrong, that you may show your saving justice when you pass sentence, and your victory may appear when you give judgement,

5. Amas mais o mal que o bem, a mentira mais do que dizer o que é justo.

5. remember, I was born guilty, a sinner from the moment of conception.

6. Amas todas as palavras perniciosas, ó língua enganadora!

6. But you delight in sincerity of heart, and in secret you teach me wisdom.

7. Por isso Deus te destruirá, te afastará para sempre, te arrancará da tua tenda e te desarreigará da terra dos vivos.

7. Purify me with hyssop till I am clean, wash me till I am whiter than snow.

8. Ve-lo-ão os justos e temerão, e dele se rirão dizendo:

8. Let me hear the sound of joy and gladness, and the bones you have crushed will dance.

9. Eis o homem que não tomou a Deus por sua fortaleza, mas que esperou na multidão das suas riquezas e se reforçou nos seus crimes."

9. Turn away your face from my sins, and wipe away all my guilt.

10. Eu, porém, sou como a oliveira verdejante na casa de Deus; confio na misericórdia de Deus para sempre.

10. God, create in me a clean heart, renew within me a resolute spirit,

11. Louvar-te-ei (Senhor) eternamente, porque actuaste, e pregarei o teu nome diante dos teus santos, porque é bom.

11. do not thrust me away from your presence, do not take away from me your spirit of holiness.


12. Give me back the joy of your salvation, sustain in me a generous spirit.


13. I shall teach the wicked your paths, and sinners will return to you.


14. Deliver me from bloodshed, God, God of my salvation, and my tongue will acclaim your saving justice.


15. Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will speak out your praise.


16. Sacrifice gives you no pleasure, burnt offering you do not desire.


17. Sacrifice to God is a broken spirit, a broken, contrite heart you never scorn.


18. In your graciousness do good to Zion, rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.


19. Then you will delight in upright sacrifices,-burnt offerings and whole oblations -- and young bulls will be offered on your altar.

“Deus ama quem segue o caminho da virtude.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina