Romans, 3
1. Of what use is it, then, to be a Jew? What value was there in circumcision?
2. Much, I answer, in every respect; chiefly because the Jews had the words of God entrusted to them.
3. Some, to be sure, shewed unfaithfulness on their side; but can we suppose that unfaithfulness on their part will dispense God from his promise? It is not to be thought of;
4. God must prove true to his word, though all men should play him false; so it is written, Thy dealings were just, and if thou art called in question, thou hast right on thy side.✻
5. Thus our fault only serves to bring God’s integrity to light. (Does that mean that God does wrong in punishing us for it?
6. Impossible again, even according to our human standards; that would mean that God has no right to judge the world;
7. it would mean that because my deceitfulness has promoted God’s glory by giving scope to his truthfulness, I on my side do not deserve to be condemned as a sinner.
8. If so, why should we not do evil so that good may come of it? That is what we are accused of preaching by some of our detractors; and their condemnation of it is just.)
9. Well then, has either side the advantage? In no way. Jews and Gentiles, as we have before alleged, are alike convicted of sin.✻
10. Thus, it is written, There is not an innocent man among them, no, not one.
11. There is nobody who reflects, and searches for God;
12. all alike are on the wrong course, all are wasted lives; not one of them acts honourably, no, not one.✻
13. Their mouths are gaping tombs, they use their tongues to flatter. Under their lips the venom of asps is hidden.✻
14. Their talk overflows with curses and calumny.✻
15. They run hot-foot to shed blood;
16. havoc and ruin follow in their path;✻
17. the way of peace is unknown to them.
18. They do not keep the fear of God before their eyes.✻
19. So the law says, and we know that the words of the law are meant for the law’s own subjects; it is determined that no one shall have anything to say for himself, that the whole world shall own itself liable to God’s judgements.✻
20. No human creature can become acceptable in his sight by observing the law; what the law does is to give us the full consciousness of sin.
21. But, in these days, God’s way of justification has at last been brought to light; one which was attested by the law and the prophets, but stands apart from the law;
22. God’s way of justification through faith in Jesus Christ, meant for everybody and sent down upon everybody without distinction, if he has faith.
23. All alike have sinned, all alike are unworthy of God’s praise.✻
24. And justification comes to us as a free gift from his grace, through our redemption in Christ Jesus.
25. God has offered him to us as a means of reconciliation, in virtue of faith, ransoming us with his blood. Thus God has vindicated his own holiness, shewing us why he overlooked our former sins
26. in the days of his forbearance; and he has also vindicated the holiness of Jesus Christ, here and now, as one who is himself holy, and imparts holiness to those who take their stand upon faith in him.✻
27. What has become, then, of thy pride? No room has been left for it. On what principle? The principle which depends on observances? No, the principle which depends on faith;
28. our contention is, that a man is justified by faith apart from the observances of the law.
29. Is God the God of the Jews only? Is he not the God of the Gentiles too? Of the Gentiles too, assuredly;
30. there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised man if he learns to believe, and the Gentile because he believes.
31. Does that mean that we are using faith to rob the law of its force? No, we are setting the law on its right footing.✻