Löydetty 399 Tulokset: Mercy
If thy actions are good, canst thou doubt they will be rewarded? If not, canst thou doubt that guilt, thenceforward, will lie at thy door? Meanwhile he is at thy mercy, and thou canst have thy way with him.✻ (Genesis 4, 7)
as thou lovest thy servant, as thou hast shewn me signal mercy in saving this life of mine, bethink thee that I have no strength to reach the safety of the hills; calamity will overtake me first, and I must die. (Genesis 19, 19)
whereas he has defrauded me, altering, time and again, his bargain with me; it was only God’s mercy that prevented him doing me an injury. (Genesis 31, 7)
but the Lord was still with him, and by the Lord’s mercy he became a favourite with the chief gaoler, (Genesis 39, 21)
Gad shall be at the mercy of armed men, till he goes armed in his turn. (Genesis 49, 19)
After this he said to his kindred, When I am dead, God will have mercy on you, and enable you to return from this country to the home which he promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (Genesis 50, 23)
And he bound them by an oath, When God shews you this mercy, you must take my bones out of this land with you. (Genesis 50, 24)
So it was that the Lord looked down in mercy on the Israelites, and took heed of them. (Exodus 2, 25)
As you hope for the Lord’s mercy, cried Pharao, you shall not go thus, taking your children with you. Who can doubt there is mischief brewing here? (Exodus 10, 10)
Nor did Moses forget to take with him the body of Joseph, who had bound the sons of Israel by an oath to carry his bones away with them when God shewed mercy to them. (Exodus 13, 19)
Thy mercy had delivered Israel; thy mercy should be their guide; thy strong arms should carry them to the holy place where thou dwellest. (Exodus 15, 13)
love me, keep my commandments, and mercy shall be thine a thousandfold. (Exodus 20, 6)