Fundar 399 Resultados para: Mercy

  • Thou canst see with thy own eyes that the Lord put thee at my mercy, yonder in the cave, and the thought came to me that I might kill thee. But no, I looked down and spared thee; Never will I lift a hand, thought I, against the king the Lord has anointed. (1 Samuel 24, 11)

  • And thou hast shewn thyself a true friend this day, sparing my life when the Lord had put it at thy mercy; (1 Samuel 24, 19)

  • Now, said Abisai, the Lord has left thy enemy at thy mercy! Let me pin him to the ground as he lies with one thrust of yonder spear; there will be no need for a second. (1 Samuel 26, 8)

  • The Lord will make every man the return his own faith and honour have deserved; this day the Lord put thee at my mercy, and I would not lift a hand against the king he has anointed. (1 Samuel 26, 23)

  • over thee and all Israel he will give the Philistines mastery. To-morrow, thou and thy sons will be with me, and the Lord will leave the camp of Israel at the mercy of the Philistines. (1 Samuel 28, 19)

  • Thereupon David consulted the Lord; should he attack the Philistines? Would he be given the mastery? And he was bidden to go to the attack; the Philistines would be at his mercy. (2 Samuel 5, 19)

  • No words can thy servant David find; such divine mercy thou showest him. (2 Samuel 7, 20)

  • rescued me from that flood, saved me from triumphant malice, from the enemies that held me at their mercy. (2 Samuel 22, 18)

  • I am hard pressed on all sides, David told him; but it is better to fall into the hands of the Lord, so rich is he in mercy, than into the hands of men. (2 Samuel 24, 14)

  • Thou hast been very merciful, answered Solomon, to my father David, a servant of thine that ever shewed himself loyal and observant, and kept his heart true to thee; and one great mercy thou didst keep till the last; thou hast granted the succession to a son of his own, the man thou seest. (1 Kings 3, 6)

  • Plead with the Lord thy God, the king said to him, and pray for me, that I may have the use of my hand again. So the prophet entreated God’s mercy for him, and his hand was restored to him, as sound as before. (1 Kings 13, 6)

  • In Syria, the king’s advisers told him, If the Israelites have defeated us, that is because their gods are gods of the hills; best to offer them battle on the low-lying ground, where we shall have them at our mercy. (1 Kings 20, 23)

“Menosprezai vossas tentações e não vos demoreis nelas. Imaginai estar na presença de Jesus. O crucificado se lança em vossos braços e mora no vosso coração. Beijai-Lhe a chaga do lado, dizendo: ‘Aqui está minha esperança; a fonte viva da minha felicidade. Seguro-vos, ó Jesus, e não me aparto de vós, até que me tenhais posto a salvo’”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina