Fundar 399 Resultados para: Mercy

  • If thou wilt listen to his warnings, and do all I bid thee, then thy enemies shall find an enemy in me, and those who shew thee no mercy shall find me merciless. (Exodus 23, 22)

  • The frontiers I give thee are the Red Sea and the sea of the Philistines, the desert and the river Euphrates.✻ All the inhabitants of the land shall be at your mercy, and I will drive them out before you. (Exodus 23, 31)

  • Thence will I issue my commands; from that throne of mercy, between the two cherubs that stand over the ark and its records,✻ my voice shall come to thee, whenever I send word through thee to the sons of Israel. (Exodus 25, 22)

  • He is true to his promise of mercy a thousand times over; shame or sin or guilt is none but he forgives it; yet, before him, none can claim innocence in his own right, and when he punishes, the son must make amends for the father’s guilt, to the third and the fourth generation.✻ (Exodus 34, 7)

  • treating it like the bullock aforementioned; and at the priest’s intercession, the Lord will have mercy. (Leviticus 4, 20)

  • If a man has commerce with his step-mother, coming between his own father’s sheets, the lives of both must pay for it; they must find no mercy. (Leviticus 20, 11)

  • No mercy must be shewn when a man has commerce with his daughter-in-law; order has been violated, and both must die. (Leviticus 20, 12)

  • No mercy, either, when a man has commerce with another man as if he had been a woman; either is guilty of a foul deed, and both must die. (Leviticus 20, 13)

  • and the woman who allows a beast to have commerce with her, must die with the beast; no mercy must be shewn to any such. (Leviticus 20, 16)

  • During this day you are to do no servile work; it is a day of atonement, to win the Lord’s mercy for you. (Leviticus 23, 28)

  • If I may not have my way in this, then in mercy, I beseech thee, rid me of these miseries by taking my life away. (Numbers 11, 15)

  • The Lord, of his mercy, will find a way in for us, and it will be ours, a land that is all milk and honey! (Numbers 14, 8)

“O amor tudo esquece, tudo perdoa, sem reservas.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina