1. From Paul, Sylvanus and Timothy to the church of Thessalonica which is in God the Father and in Christ Jesus, the Lord. May the peace and grace of God be with you.

2. We give thanks to God at all times for you and remember you in our prayers.

3. We constantly recall before God our Father the work of your faith, the labors of your love and your endurance in waiting for Christ Jesus our Lord.

4. We remember, brothers and sisters, the circumstances of your being called.

5. The gospel we brought you was such not only in words. Miracles, Holy Spirit and plenty of everything were given to you. You also know how we dealt with you for your sake.

6. In return, you became followers of us and of the Lord when, on receiving the word, you experienced the joy of the Holy Spirit in the midst of great opposition.

7. And you became a model for the faithful of Macedonia and Achaia,

8. since from you the word of the Lord spread to Macedonia and Achaia, and still farther. The faith you have in God has become news in so many places that we need say no more about it.

9. Others tell of how you responded to us and turned from idols to the Lord. For you serve the living and true God,

10. and you wait for his Son from Heaven whom he raised from the dead, Jesus, who frees us from impending trial.

“Não abandone sua alma à tentação, diz o Espírito Santo, já que a alegria do coração é a vida da alma e uma fonte inexaurível de santidade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina