Talált 26 Eredmények: patience

  • On the fifth day, he again rose early in the morning to go, but the father of the young maiden said to him, "Have more patience and stay until evening." So they ate together. (Judges 19, 8)

  • Keep calm before the Lord, wait for him in patience; do not fret if others succeed when they carry out evil schemes. (Psalms 37, 7)

  • With a little patience you will persuade the judge; a soft tongue can break bones. (Proverbs 25, 15)

  • Better to reach the end than to begin. Better patience than a haughty spirit. (Ecclesiastes 7, 8)

  • Let us humble and torture him to prove his self-control and test his patience. (Wisdom of Solomon 2, 19)

  • But you, the Lord of strength, judge with prudence and govern us with great patience, because you are able to do anything at the time you want. (Wisdom of Solomon 12, 18)

  • Woe to you who have lost patience! What will you do when the Lord calls you to account? (Ecclesiasticus 2, 14)

  • Even if he has lost his mind, have patience; do not be disrespectful to him while you are in full health. (Ecclesiasticus 3, 13)

  • Just as the sinner will not escape with his booty, the patience of the upright man will not go unrewarded. (Ecclesiasticus 16, 13)

  • For this reason, the Lord has patience with them and pours out his mercy on them. (Ecclesiasticus 18, 11)

  • Then Isaiah said, "Now listen, descendants of David. Have you not been satisfied trying the patience of people, that you also try the patience of my God? (Isaiah 7, 13)

  • doing away with three leaders in one month. I lost patience with them and they, for their part, were disgusted with me. (Zechariah 11, 8)

“Apóie-se, como faz Nossa Senhora, à cruz de Jesus e nunca lhe faltará conforto”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina