Löydetty 257 Tulokset: Glory
Publish his glory among the heathen; his wonderful acts for all the world to hear. (Psalms 95, 3)
Tribes of the heathen, make your offering to the Lord, an offering to the Lord of glory and homage, (Psalms 95, 7)
an offering of glory to the Lord’s name; bring sacrifice, come into his courts, (Psalms 95, 8)
The very heavens proclaim his faithfulness; no nation but has sight of his glory. (Psalms 96, 6)
when they hear that the Lord has built Sion anew; that he has revealed himself there in glory, (Psalms 101, 17)
Bless the Lord, my soul; O Lord my God, what magnificence is thine! Glory and beauty are thy clothing. (Psalms 103, 1)
Glory be to the Lord for ever; still let him take delight in his creatures. (Psalms 103, 31)
to witness the prosperity of thy chosen servants, to rejoice with thy people that rejoices, to share the glory of thy own domain. (Psalms 105, 5)
as if they would exchange the glory that dwelt among them for the semblance of a bullock at grass. (Psalms 105, 20)
O God, mount high above the heavens✻ till thy glory overshadows the whole earth. (Psalms 107, 6)
The Lord is sovereign king of all the nations; his glory is high above the heavens. (Psalms 112, 4)
Not to us, Lord, not to us the glory; let thy name alone be honoured; (Psalms 113, 9)