Löydetty 257 Tulokset: Glory

  • Publish his glory among the heathen; his wonderful acts for all the world to hear. (Psalms 95, 3)

  • Tribes of the heathen, make your offering to the Lord, an offering to the Lord of glory and homage, (Psalms 95, 7)

  • an offering of glory to the Lord’s name; bring sacrifice, come into his courts, (Psalms 95, 8)

  • The very heavens proclaim his faithfulness; no nation but has sight of his glory. (Psalms 96, 6)

  • when they hear that the Lord has built Sion anew; that he has revealed himself there in glory, (Psalms 101, 17)

  • Bless the Lord, my soul; O Lord my God, what magnificence is thine! Glory and beauty are thy clothing. (Psalms 103, 1)

  • Glory be to the Lord for ever; still let him take delight in his creatures. (Psalms 103, 31)

  • to witness the prosperity of thy chosen servants, to rejoice with thy people that rejoices, to share the glory of thy own domain. (Psalms 105, 5)

  • as if they would exchange the glory that dwelt among them for the semblance of a bullock at grass. (Psalms 105, 20)

  • O God, mount high above the heavens✻ till thy glory overshadows the whole earth. (Psalms 107, 6)

  • The Lord is sovereign king of all the nations; his glory is high above the heavens. (Psalms 112, 4)

  • Not to us, Lord, not to us the glory; let thy name alone be honoured; (Psalms 113, 9)

“O demônio é forte com quem o teme, mas é fraquíssimo com quem o despreza.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina