Löydetty 257 Tulokset: Glory

  • O God, mount high above the heavens, till thy glory overshadows the whole earth. (Psalms 56, 12)

  • like some parched wilderness, where stream is none! So in the holy place, I contemplate thee, ready for the revelation of thy greatness, thy glory. (Psalms 62, 3)

  • sing praise to his name, pay homage to his glory! (Psalms 65, 2)

  • And evermore praise was on my lips, my constant theme thy glory. (Psalms 70, 8)

  • and blessed for ever be his glorious name; all the earth shall be filled with his glory, Amen, Amen. (Psalms 71, 19)

  • ever holdest me by my right hand. Thine to guide me with thy counsel, thine to welcome me into glory at last. (Psalms 72, 24)

  • They have set fire to thy sanctuary, sullied the dwelling-place of thy glory in the dust. (Psalms 73, 7)

  • O God, our Saviour, help us; deliver us, Lord, for the glory of thy name, pardon our sins for the sake of thy own renown! (Psalms 78, 9)

  • For us, his worshippers, deliverance is close at hand; in this land of ours, the divine glory is to find a home. (Psalms 84, 10)

  • What else but thy glory inspires their strength? What else but thy favour bids us lift our heads? (Psalms 88, 18)

  • Thou hast robbed him of the bright glory✻ that once was his; thou hast cast down his throne to earth, (Psalms 88, 45)

  • Let these eyes see thy purpose accomplished, to our own sons reveal thy glory; the favour of the Lord our God smile on us! Prosper our doings, Lord, prosper our doings yet. (Psalms 89, 16)

“Apóie-se, como faz Nossa Senhora, à cruz de Jesus e nunca lhe faltará conforto”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina