Löydetty 257 Tulokset: Glory
his will is to exalt thee high above all other nations he has made, for his own praise and glory and renown, a people consecrated to the Lord thy God, claiming his promise. (Deuteronomy 26, 19)
And I grant thee moreover all thou didst not ask for; in wealth, in glory, no king that ever was may compare with thee. (1 Kings 3, 13)
lost in that cloud, the priests could not wait upon the Lord with his accustomed service; his own glory was there, filling his own house. (1 Kings 8, 11)
Publish his glory among the heathen, his wonderful acts for all the world to hear. (1 Chronicles 16, 24)
Lands of the heathen, make your offering to the Lord, an offering to the Lord of glory and praise, (1 Chronicles 16, 28)
an offering of glory to the Lord’s name; bring sacrifice, come into his presence; with reverent grace worship the Lord. (1 Chronicles 16, 29)
No words can thy servant David find; such glory thou dost grant, such favour thou dost shew him. (1 Chronicles 17, 18)
Thine, Lord, the magnificence, thine the power, splendour and glory and majesty are thine; to thee all that is in heaven, all that is on earth, belongs, to thee the kingdom, of all princes thou art overlord. (1 Chronicles 29, 11)
And the Lord answered, For this choice thou hast made, thou shalt be rewarded. Thou didst not ask for riches or possessions, for glory, or vengeance upon thy enemies, or a long life. Thy prayer was for wisdom and discernment, to make thee a better judge for the subjects I have given thee. (2 Chronicles 1, 11)
Wisdom and discernment thou shalt have; and I will give thee riches and possession too, and such glory as never king shall have before or after thee.✻ (2 Chronicles 1, 12)
lost in that cloud, the priests could not wait upon the Lord with his accustomed service; his own glory was there, filling his own house.✻ (2 Chronicles 5, 14)
Scarce had Solomon finished his praying, when fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt-sacrifice, consumed all the victims; the glory of the Lord, too, filled the temple, (2 Chronicles 7, 1)