Fundar 602 Resultados para: World

  • There lay the world, corrupt in God’s sight, full of oppression; (Genesis 6, 11)

  • and God, seeing the world so corrupt (no creature on earth but had lost its true direction), (Genesis 6, 12)

  • In seven days from this, I mean to send down rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and blot out this whole world of living things, my own creatures, from the face of the earth. (Genesis 7, 4)

  • God wiped out the whole world of earthly creatures, man and beast, creeping things and all that flies through the air, so that they vanished from the earth; only Noe and his companions in the Ark were left. (Genesis 7, 23)

  • Never more will the living creation be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again a flood to devastate the world. (Genesis 9, 11)

  • Hitherto, the world had only one way of speech, only one language. (Genesis 11, 1)

  • That is why it was called Babel, Confusion, because it was there that the Lord confused the whole world’s speech, and scattered them far away, over the wide face of earth. (Genesis 11, 9)

  • those who bless thee, I will bless, those who curse thee, I will curse, and in thee all the races of the world shall find a blessing.✻ (Genesis 12, 3)

  • this man who is destined to give birth to a people so great and so powerful? This man through whom all the nations of the world are to find a blessing? (Genesis 18, 18)

  • And to Sara he added, See, I am giving this brother of thine a thousand silver pieces; such amends will enable thee to look the world in the face, wherever thou goest;✻ only, do not forget that thy pretence was discovered. (Genesis 20, 16)

  • all the races of the world shall find a blessing through thy posterity, for this readiness of thine to do my bidding. (Genesis 22, 18)

  • I will make that race plentiful as the stars in heaven, and grant the whole of this land to thy descendants; in thy posterity all the nations of the world shall find a blessing. (Genesis 26, 4)

“O Senhor sempre orienta e chama; mas não se quer segui-lo e responder-lhe, pois só se vê os próprios interesses. Às vezes, pelo fato de se ouvir sempre a Sua voz, ninguém mais se apercebe dela; mas o Senhor ilumina e chama. São os homens que se colocam na posição de não conseguir mais escutar.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina