Fundar 336 Resultados para: Wisdom

  • It is for thee, my lord king, to find some man that has the wisdom and the skill for it, and put the whole of Egypt under his charge. (Genesis 41, 33)

  • Then he turned to Joseph, and said, Every word thou hast spoken comes to thee revealed by God, and shall I look for some other whose wisdom can match thine? (Genesis 41, 39)

  • And within the burse that gives counsel thou wilt put the touchstones of wisdom and of truth.✻ These shall be on Aaron’s breast, when he enters the Lord’s presence; as long as he is there, he will be carrying on his breast the arbitrament of the sons of Israel. (Exodus 28, 30)

  • binding it close with its band, and attaching to it the burse in which were the touchstones of wisdom and of truth. (Leviticus 8, 8)

  • you must give me men of ripe wisdom and quick minds, high in repute among their fellow-tribesmen, to be appointed your rulers. (Deuteronomy 1, 13)

  • I chose out of all your tribes men of wisdom and repute, and I appointed them to be your rulers, with powers over a thousand men, or a hundred, or fifty, or ten together, issuing commands to you as need arose. (Deuteronomy 1, 15)

  • Keep them in honour and live by them; these are to be the arts, this the wisdom, that you teach the world, as men come to hear of these laws, and say to themselves, Surely they must be wise, surely they must be discerning folk, that belong to so great a nation as this! (Deuteronomy 4, 6)

  • And of Levi he said, The touchstones of Wisdom and Truth are for the man thou hast set apart, testing him at the place of Challenge, proving his worth at the Water of Rebellion.✻ (Deuteronomy 33, 8)

  • and Josue the son of Nun, full of the gift of wisdom since Moses laid hands on him, took command of the Israelites; and they obeyed him, as the Lord through Moses had bidden them. (Deuteronomy 34, 9)

  • And with that she went in, and spoke to the defenders in the wisdom that was her craft; whereupon they cut off the head of Seba, son of Bochri, and cast it down to Joab. So he blew his trumpet, and his men raised the siege and went to their tents; Joab himself went back to the king’s court at Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 20, 22)

  • For this request of thine, he told Solomon, thou shalt be rewarded. Thou didst not ask for a long life, or riches, or vengeance upon thy enemies, but for wisdom to administer justice. (1 Kings 3, 11)

  • Thy prayer is granted; hereby I grant thee a heart full of wisdom and discernment, beyond all that went before thee or shall come after thee. (1 Kings 3, 12)

“O verdadeiro servo de Deus é aquele que usa a caridade para com seu próximo, que está decidido a fazer a vontade de Deus a todo custo, que vive em profunda humildade e simplicidade”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina