Fundar 8 Resultados para: Unity
When the day of Pentecost came round, while they were all gathered together in unity of purpose, (Acts 2, 1)
Only I entreat you, brethren, as you love the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, use, all of you, the same language. There must be no divisions among you; you must be restored to unity of mind and purpose. (1 Corinthians 1, 10)
There was to be no want of unity in the body; all the different parts of it were to make each other’s welfare their common care. (1 Corinthians 12, 25)
eager to preserve that unity the Spirit gives you, whose bond is peace. (Ephesians 4, 3)
until we all realize our common unity through faith in the Son of God, and fuller knowledge of him. So we shall reach perfect manhood, that maturity which is proportioned to the completed growth of Christ;✻ (Ephesians 4, 13)
Only, you must play a part worthy of Christ’s gospel; whether I come to see you, or only hear about you at a distance, this must be my news of you, that you are standing fast in a common unity of spirit, with the faith of the gospel for your common cause. (Philippians 1, 27)
fill up my cup of happiness by thinking with the same mind, cherishing the same bond of charity, soul knit to soul in a common unity of thought. (Philippians 2, 2)
make it a rule of charity to hold them in special esteem, in honour of the duty they perform, and maintain unity with them.✻ (1 Thessalonians 5, 13)