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He pronounced his blessing on them, Increase and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea; and let there be abundance of flying things on earth. (Genesis 1, 22)
And God pronounced his blessing on them, Increase and multiply and fill the earth, and make it yours; take command of the fishes in the sea, and all that flies through the air, and all the living things that move on the earth. (Genesis 1, 28)
That is why God gave the seventh day his blessing, and hallowed it, because it was the day on which his divine activity of creation finished. (Genesis 2, 3)
Man and woman both, he created them, and gave them his blessing; and Adam was the name by which he called them at the time when they were first created. (Genesis 5, 2)
And now the sons of God saw how beautiful were these daughters of men, and took them as wives, choosing where they would.✻ (Genesis 6, 2)
And God pronounced his blessing on Noe and his sons; Increase, he said, and multiply, and fill the earth. (Genesis 9, 1)
Hevites, Aracites, Sinites, (Genesis 10, 17)
those who bless thee, I will bless, those who curse thee, I will curse, and in thee all the races of the world shall find a blessing.✻ (Genesis 12, 3)
Here the Lord appeared to Abram, promising to give the whole land to his posterity; and this appearance he commemorated by building the Lord an altar there. (Genesis 12, 7)
and gave him this benediction, On Abram be the blessing of the most high God, maker of heaven and earth, (Genesis 14, 19)
this man who is destined to give birth to a people so great and so powerful? This man through whom all the nations of the world are to find a blessing? (Genesis 18, 18)
So the Lord told him, The ill repute of Sodom and Gomorrha goes from bad to worse, their sin is grievous out of all measure; (Genesis 18, 20)