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took his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot with him, all the possessions they had acquired in Haran, and all the retainers born in their service there, and set out for the land of Chanaan. When they reached it, (Genesis 12, 5)
and here, the same night, he had a vision of the Lord, who said to him, I am the God of thy father Abraham; fear nothing, I am with thee. I mean to bless thee, and give increase to thy posterity, in reward of Abraham’s true service. (Genesis 26, 24)
Nay, answered Isaac, I have designated him thy master; I have condemned all his brethren to do him service; I have assured him of corn and wine; what claim have I left myself to make for thee, my son? (Genesis 27, 37)
So, at last, he won the bride he had longed for, and loved her better than he had loved her sister; meanwhile, he spent another seven years in Laban’s service. (Genesis 29, 30)
And when I go, let me take with me the wives and the children I have earned in thy service; how hard I have worked for thee, none knows better than thou. (Genesis 30, 26)
Was it for this that I spent twenty years in thy service? All that time, thy ewes and she-goats were never barren, no wether lamb of thine did I take for my own eating. (Genesis 31, 38)
If the cup that is missing should be found in possession of any of us, let him pay for it with his life; and we, too, will be slaves in our lord’s service. (Genesis 44, 9)
And now he would have the doctors who were in his service embalm his father with spices. (Genesis 50, 2)
If thou dost buy a slave that is a Hebrew by race, he shall do thee six years’ service, and in the seventh year, without any ransom paid, he shall go free. (Exodus 21, 2)
He shall leave thy service in the same guise in which he entered it;✻ if he came to thee married, his wife shall go free with him. (Exodus 21, 3)
If anyone sells his daughter into a man’s service, she is not to go free on the same conditions as a slave.✻ (Exodus 21, 7)
You are to be men marked out for my service. Meat that has once been tasted by wild beasts shall not be used for food; it must be thrown to the dogs. (Exodus 22, 31)