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thou shalt not claim interest over and above what thou hast spent on him. Thou hast the vengeance of thy God to fear; see to it that thy brother has freedom to lodge with thee. (Leviticus 25, 36)
It is not for thee to receive interest on what thou spendest, and entertain him to thy own profit. (Leviticus 25, 37)
Do not charge interest to thy fellow-Israelite when thou lendest him money or grain or anything else of thine. (Deuteronomy 23, 19)
Keep that for the alien; to thy brother thou shalt lend without interest all that he needs; so the Lord God will bless every enterprise of thine in the land which is to be thy home. (Deuteronomy 23, 20)
and do you restore, here and now, lands, vineyards, olive-yards and houses; restore, too, the interest charge you claim of a hundredth, for money and corn, wine and oil alike. (Nehemiah 5, 11)
Doubt not I will be a good suitor in your cause hereafter, so you abide loyal to the king’s interest. (2 Maccabees 11, 19)
first, the loyalty I have to the king’s own interest, but not less, the love of my own fellow-countrymen; by the false aims of a faction the whole of our race is brought into utter misery. (2 Maccabees 14, 8)
all the more was it thy part to lodge my money with the bankers, so that I might have recovered it with interest when I came. (Matthew 25, 27)
then why didst thou not put my money into the bank, so that I might have recovered it with interest when I came? (Luke 19, 23)
I am thinking of your own interest when I say this. It is not that I would hold you in a leash; I am thinking of what is suitable for you, and how you may best attend on the Lord without distraction. (1 Corinthians 7, 35)
one and all have their own interest at heart, not Christ’s; (Philippians 2, 21)