Fundar 288 Resultados para: Prophet

  • But now thou must give her back to her husband; he is a prophet, and will intercede for thy life; if thou dost not restore her, I give thee good warning, thou and thine must perish. (Genesis 20, 7)

  • Prophet or dreamer may arise, of thy own race, and foretell some signal event (Deuteronomy 13, 1)

  • Do not listen to such words from prophet or dreamer; it means that the Lord thy God is putting thee to the proof, to see whether he has the love of thy whole heart and thy whole soul or not. (Deuteronomy 13, 3)

  • The punishment of such a prophet or dreamer shall be death; he has counselled rebellion against the Lord God, who delivered your race from its slavery in Egypt; he would tempt thee away from the path the Lord thy God has marked out for thee; rid thy company of such plague as this. (Deuteronomy 13, 5)

  • No, the Lord thy God will raise up for thee a prophet like myself, of thy own race, a brother of thy own; it is to him thou must listen.✻ (Deuteronomy 18, 15)

  • I will raise up for them a prophet like thyself, one of their own race, entrusting my own message to his lips, so that he may instruct them at my bidding. (Deuteronomy 18, 18)

  • I will give thee a test; If the prophet foretells something in the Lord’s name, and it does not come about, this was no message from the Lord; it was the prophet’s vain conceit that imagined it; let no word of his strike terror into thee. (Deuteronomy 18, 22)

  • There was never such another prophet in Israel as Moses; what other man was the Lord’s familiar, meeting him face to face? (Deuteronomy 34, 10)

  • and bade the Israelites put all their army to the sword, the prophet Balaam among them.) (Joshua 13, 22)

  • But he, through a prophet, sent them this message from the Lord God of Israel: I recalled you from Egypt, rescued you from your prison there, (Judges 6, 8)

  • so that he became known all over Israel, from Dan to Bersabee, as the Lord’s true prophet. (1 Samuel 3, 20)

  • (In those days, the Israelites used to speak of going to consult the seer, meaning by the seer what we now call a prophet.) (1 Samuel 9, 9)

“Padre Pio disse a um filho espiritual: Trabalhe! Ele perguntou: No que devo trabalhar, Padre? Ele respondeu: Em amar sempre mais a Jesus!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina