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the other he hung on a gallows, to prove the truth of the prophecy that had been made. (Genesis 40, 22)
And when the Lord came down, hidden in the cloud, to converse with him, he took some of the spirit which rested upon Moses and gave it to the seventy elders instead; whereupon they received a gift of prophecy which never left them.✻ (Numbers 11, 25)
But he answered, There is a servant of God dwelling in this city, a man greatly honoured; no prophecy of his but manifestly comes true. Let us make our way there, and ask if he can give us news about this errand of ours. (1 Samuel 9, 6)
So at last thou wilt come to the Hill of God, where the Philistines have set a garrison; and here, upon entering the city, thou wilt meet a company of prophets coming down from the sacred height.✻ With harp and tambour, flute and zither at their head, they will be uttering words of prophecy; (1 Samuel 10, 5)
which prophecy was fulfilled in its turn, when he sat in the gateway there and the folk trampled him to death. (2 Kings 7, 20)
Here is a test for thee, Ezechias, of the truth of my prophecy; this year thou must be content with what crops are left thee, and next year the aftergrowth shall be thy food; in the third year you may sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them. (2 Kings 19, 29)
What else Solomon did, first and last, is to be found in the book that was written by the prophet Nathan, in the prophecy of Ahias the Silonite, and in the vision of the seer Addo that pronounces doom against Jeroboam son of Nabat. (2 Chronicles 9, 29)
then, at last, the Lord’s prophecy through Jeremias would be fulfilled, then the land of Juda would have lain fallow long enough. Fallow it must lie, until seventy years had come and gone. (2 Chronicles 36, 21)
This, then, is thy prophecy, that the race of Israel will find protection in their God? Thou hast a lesson still to learn; that Nabuchodonosor is god, and he only. (Judith 6, 2)
never, since prophecy died out among them, had the men of Israel known such distress. (1 Maccabees 9, 27)
What revel among the host,✻ the power of prophecy once withdrawn! Happy is he that keeps the law unbroken. (Proverbs 29, 18)
My teaching shall yet flow on, faithful as prophecy, heirloom to all such as make wisdom their quest, and to their children yet, until the holy days come. (Ecclesiasticus 24, 46)