Fundar 148 Resultados para: Knowledge

  • Here, at the bidding of the Lord God, the soil produced all such trees as charm the eye and satisfy the taste; and here, in the middle of the garden, grew the tree of life, and the tree which brings knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2, 9)

  • except the tree which brings knowledge of good and evil; if ever thou eatest of this, thy doom is death. (Genesis 2, 17)

  • He said, too, Here is Adam become like one of ourselves, with knowledge of good and evil; now he has only to lift his hand and gather fruit to eat from the tree of life as well, and he will live endlessly. (Genesis 3, 22)

  • And now Adam had knowledge of his wife, Eve, and she conceived. She called her child Cain, as if she would say, Canithi, I have been enriched by the Lord with a man-child. (Genesis 4, 1)

  • And now Cain had knowledge of his wife, and she conceived. She called her child Henoch; and Cain built a city which he called Henoch, after his son’s name. (Genesis 4, 17)

  • And once more Adam had knowledge of his wife, and she bore a son; Seth was the name she gave him, as if she would say, Seth, the Lord has secured a line of issue for me in place of Abel, now that Cain has murdered him. (Genesis 4, 25)

  • Abram, then, had knowledge of her, and she, finding herself with child, began to look on her mistress with scorn. (Genesis 16, 4)

  • I have two daughters here, that have as yet no knowledge of man; these I will bring out, and you shall have your will with them, but do these men no harm;✻ are they not guests under my roof? (Genesis 19, 8)

  • So that night they gave their father wine to drink; and the elder went in and slept with her father, lying down beside him and rising up without his knowledge. (Genesis 19, 33)

  • I have no knowledge, said Abimelech, who has done it; thou hast never told me of it, and I never heard of it till to-day. (Genesis 21, 26)

  • A maiden most beautiful, fair of face, and a virgin that had no knowledge of man; and now she had gone down to the well, and filled the pitcher, and was on her way back, (Genesis 24, 16)

  • And Joab left the royal presence to send messengers after Abner, summoning him back, without David’s knowledge, from the Pool of Sira. (2 Samuel 3, 26)

“Não abandone sua alma à tentação, diz o Espírito Santo, já que a alegria do coração é a vida da alma e uma fonte inexaurível de santidade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina