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I must cross them still, condemning them to exile in a land that hates them, until those defiled hearts learn to be ashamed.✻ Then they will make atonement for their sins, (Leviticus 26, 41)
Woe betide thee, Moab; worshippers of Chamas, you are undone. Sehon, the Amorrhite king, has claimed their sons for exile, their daughters for bondage; (Numbers 21, 29)
proud race of Cin, it shall not be for ever; Assur shall carry thee away into exile. (Numbers 24, 22)
scattering you over the world and leaving but a few of you to live in a land of exile, (Deuteronomy 4, 27)
Exile awaits thee, awaits the king thou hast chosen to rule over thee; the Lord will carry thee away into a land thou and thy fathers never heard of, where thou must needs worship alien gods, of wood and stone; (Deuteronomy 28, 36)
sons and daughters born, and no comfort to thee, all carried away into exile. (Deuteronomy 28, 41)
This way and that, among all the nations from earth’s end to earth’s end, the Lord will scatter it; and in exile thou wilt worship such alien gods as thou and thy fathers never heard of, gods of wood and stone. (Deuteronomy 28, 64)
And perhaps when thou hast had experience of all this, and hast met first the blessing and then the curse I have here pronounced before thee, thou wilt feel compunction of heart, there in thy exile among the countries where the Lord has scattered thee, (Deuteronomy 30, 1)
And there they set up the image; the tribe of Dan had its own priests down to the day when it went into exile, descended from Moses’ son Gersam, and his son Jonathan. (Judges 18, 30)
But what, if they have offended thee by their faults? No man but is guilty of some fault; it may be thou wilt give them up, in thy anger, into the power of their enemies, and as prisoners they will endure exile in neighbouring countries, or countries far away. (1 Kings 8, 46)
On the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth month, in the thirty-seventh year after king Joachin of Juda had been carried into exile, he was released from prison by Evil-Merodach, king of Babylon, then in the first year of his reign. (2 Kings 25, 27)
who went out into exile when the Lord banished the inhabitants of Juda and Jerusalem through Nabuchodonosor. (1 Chronicles 6, 15)