Fundar 46 Resultados para: Destruction

  • And he said, Do not be angry with me, Lord, I entreat thee, for making one more plea still; what if ten are found there? I will spare it from destruction, he said, to save ten. (Genesis 18, 32)

  • I mean to make the fear of me go in front of thee, bringing destruction upon the whole people thou goest to meet; all thy enemies shall turn their backs before thee. (Exodus 23, 27)

  • Moses said to Aaron, Take thy censer, and put incense on the lighted coals in it, and go with all speed to find the people and make intercession for them; already the Lord has begun to wreak his vengeance, and destruction rages among them. (Numbers 16, 46)

  • But now the destruction was over, and Aaron went back to meet Moses at the tabernacle door. (Numbers 16, 50)

  • or she will tempt him away from his allegiance into the service of alien gods, rousing the Lord’s anger, to thy speedy destruction. (Deuteronomy 7, 4)

  • All the nations the Lord means thee to conquer shall fall an easy prey to thee; and for these thou shalt have no glance of pity; beware of worshipping their gods, to thy sure destruction. (Deuteronomy 7, 16)

  • Forty days and nights, then, as before, I remained there on the mountain top, and once more the Lord listened to me, and spared you from destruction. (Deuteronomy 10, 10)

  • there, on high, is his dwelling, and yet the eternal arms reach down to uphold thee. He will dispossess the enemy at thy onslaught, and doom him to destruction; (Deuteronomy 33, 27)

  • took it, gave it up to destruction; made an end of its king, and its subject towns, and all that dwelt there, leaving none alive; at Hebron, as at Eglon, all must be put to the sword. (Joshua 10, 37)

  • With good reason I have spared them utter destruction, so that there may be enemies at your side, and gods of the enemy, ready to compass your downfall.✻ (Judges 2, 3)

  • First a chieftain would arise, and the Lord, in his days, would relent; would listen to the plaint of a people in distress, and save them from the threat of destruction; (Judges 2, 18)

  • while the three hundred men still pressed on, and still the trumpets blew. And all through the camp the Lord spread destruction, friend turning his sword against friend; (Judges 7, 22)

"Tente percorrer com toda a simplicidade o caminho de Nosso Senhor e não se aflija inutilmente.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina