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Then Joseph kissed all his brethren in turn, and wept over them, till at last they found courage to speak to him. (Genesis 45, 15)
Would you daunt the spirits of the Israelites, so that they have not the courage to cross over into the land which the Lord means to give them? (Numbers 32, 7)
Play the man, and keep your courage high; there must be no cowardice, no flinching before them. The Lord your God is himself your leader now; he will not play you false and forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31, 6)
Then Moses summoned Josue, and said to him in the presence of all Israel, Play the man, and keep thy courage high; it is thy task to lead this nation into the land which the Lord promised to their fathers, and divide it up between them. (Deuteronomy 31, 7)
The Lord also gave a charge to Josue, the son of Nun, Play the man, and keep thy courage high; it is thy task to settle the sons of Israel in the land I have promised to give them, and I will be with thee in the doing of it. (Deuteronomy 31, 23)
Courage, then, play the man; thy task is to divide up this land between the tribes, my promised gift to their fathers. (Joshua 1, 6)
Play the man thou must, and keep thy courage high, carrying out faithfully the law my servant Moses enjoined on thee; never swerve to right or left, and thou shalt order thy life truly. (Joshua 1, 7)
Courage and a man’s part, that is what I ask of thee; no room for fear and shrinking back, when the Lord thy God is at thy side wherever thou goest. (Joshua 1, 9)
Whoever thwarts thy will or refuses to obey any order of thine shall die for it; courage, then, play the man. (Joshua 1, 18)
The men of Hai killed thirty-six of them, pursued them all the way to Sabarim, and fell upon them as they fled down the slopes.Small wonder if the people lost heart and their courage ebbed away like water. (Joshua 7, 5)
he said to them, Who is afraid now? Who shrinks back now? Keep your courage high and play the man; such is the fate the Lord has decreed for all the enemies you are fighting against. (Joshua 10, 25)
Listen to what they are saying, and it will give thee courage, bid thee go down more confidently to the attack. So Gedeon and his servant Phara made their way down to a part of the camp where sentries were on guard. (Judges 7, 11)