Fundar 547 Resultados para: Christ
Be assured of this, and mark it well; a period of seven weeks must go by, and another period of sixty-two weeks, between the order to rebuild Jerusalem and the coming of the Christ to be your leader. Street and wall will be built again, though in a time of distress; (Daniel 9, 25)
and then sixty-two weeks must pass before the Christ is done to death; the people will disown him and have none of him. Then the army of an invading leader will destroy both city and sanctuary, so that his taking away will mean utter destruction; only a ruin is to be left when that war is ended. (Daniel 9, 26)
A record of the ancestry from which Jesus Christ, the son of David, son of Abraham, was born. (Matthew 1, 1)
and Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary; it was of her that Jesus was born, who is called Christ.✻ (Matthew 1, 16)
Thus there are fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the captivity in Babylon, and fourteen from the captivity in Babylon to Christ. (Matthew 1, 17)
And this was the manner of Christ’s birth. His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, but they had not yet come together, when she was found to be with child, by the power of the Holy Ghost. (Matthew 1, 18)
so that he assembled all the chief priests and learned men among the people, and enquired of them where it was that Christ would be born. (Matthew 2, 4)
Now John had heard in his prison of Christ’s doings, and he sent two of his disciples to him; (Matthew 11, 2)
Then Simon Peter answered, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.✻ (Matthew 16, 16)
Then he strictly forbade them to tell any man that he, Jesus, was the Christ. (Matthew 16, 20)
And his disciples asked him, Tell us, why is it that the scribes say Elias must come before Christ? (Matthew 17, 10)
What is your opinion concerning Christ? Whose son is he to be? They told him, David’s. (Matthew 22, 42)