Znaleziono 128 Wyniki dla: Justice
And Sarai complained to Abram, I am being wronged, through thy fault; here is this maid-servant of mine, whom I bade thee take in thy arms, treating me scornfully, now that she has conceived. May the Lord do justice between us. (Genesis 16, 5)
Never that, thou wilt not destroy the innocent with the guilty, as if innocence and guilt were all one; that is not thy way, that is not how the Judge of the whole earth executes justice! (Genesis 18, 25)
Let the Lord keep watch, he said, and see justice done between us, when our ways have parted.✻ (Genesis 31, 49)
May the God who is Abraham’s God and Nachor’s, the God of their common father✻ see justice done between us. Then Jacob swore by the God his father Isaac held in reverence, (Genesis 31, 53)
Enslave me instead; with full justice, I made myself answerable for him. If I do not bring him back, I said, I will never claim my own father’s forgiveness. (Genesis 44, 32)
The straw is not being found for us any longer, and never a brick less demanded of us. Here are we, thy servants, beaten for it; there is no justice for this people of thine.✻ (Exodus 5, 16)
So Pharao had Moses and Aaron summoned to his presence; Thus far, he said, I have done wrong; the Lord has justice on his side, the guilt lies with me and my people. (Exodus 9, 27)
These will administer justice to the people from day to day, referring graver matters to thee, but deciding for themselves all that is of less moment. Share thy burden with others, and find relief; (Exodus 18, 22)
and these administered justice to the people day after day, referring graver matters to him, and deciding for themselves all that was of less moment. (Exodus 18, 26)
Keep clear of untruth. Do not bring death on an innocent man that has justice on his side; I give no countenance to the wrong-doer. (Exodus 23, 7)
Do not pervert justice by giving false awards, whether by taking a man’s poverty into account,✻ or by flattering the great; give every man his just due. (Leviticus 19, 15)
There must be no tampering with justice, with the rule or the weight or the measure you employ; (Leviticus 19, 35)