1. Word came to me from the Lord:

2. Son of man, turn thy regard now towards Gog, Magog’s country, that has the lordship of Mosoch and Thubal, and prophesy its doom.✻

3. This be thy message to it from the Lord God: Have at thee, Gog, that hast the lordship of Mosoch and Thubal!

4. Trust me, I will turn thee about this way and that, bridle those jaws of thine! I will bring thee out to battle, with all thy army; with horses and mailed cavalry, with a great company that ply spear and shield and sword.

5. Persians shall be there, and Ethiopians, and Libyans, all with shield and helmet,

6. Gomer with his hordes, the men of Thogorma from the northern fastnesses, mustered in full strength; what an array thou hast about thee!

7. Now hold thyself in readiness, marshal thy own strength and the hordes that follow thee; thine is the leadership.

8. Long hence thy turn shall come; long years must pass before thou dost march on Israel; a land, now, recovered from its blood-letting; its hills, desolate till now, are repeopled with exiles from many shores, come back to dwell there in security.

9. Storm never rose so suddenly, cloud-wrack never darkened it so fearsomely, as thou with that host of thine, those confederate hordes.

10. What thoughts will be in thy heart that day, the Lord God says, what foul design will be a-brewing?

11. Why, thou wilt think to march on a land unfortified, a people dwelling free from all alarms, that walls about them have none, bolt nor bar to shut them in;

12. spoil for thy spoiling, plunder for thy plundering. Easily enough they are like to fall into thy hand, the ruins so lately rebuilt; the men restored from exile, that hold but the heart of the country,✻ and are already enriched!

13. Small wonder if the traders of Saba, Dedan and Tharsis, ravenous lions all, would know whether it is plunder thy heart is set on? Such a muster of men, it can but mean spoil; silver and gold to rifle, stock and stuff to carry away, ay, there is spoil behind this, and spoil worth the taking!

14. Prophesy, then, son of man, and make known to Gog this divine message: None better ware of it than thou, when my people of Israel is living at peace, free from alarms!

15. Then it is thou wilt come down from those northern fastnesses, with thy hordes about thee, thy troops of cavalry, a great muster, an army irresistible,

16. sweeping down on my people of Israel like a cloud that overshadows the land. Offspring of that later age, thou shalt march on yonder land of mine, so that in Gog’s doom my power may be vindicated, and the heathen may learn what I am.

17. Long years ago, the Lord God says, there were servants of mine that foresaw my will concerning thee, and even then warned Israel, in my name, of thy coming.

18. When Gog marches against Israel, the Lord God says, my indignation will contain itself no longer;

19. jealous love and fierce anger of mine, I swear it, shall throw all the land of Israel into commotion.

20. Fish in sea, bird in air, beast on earth and all the creeping things of earth shall tremble at my presence, and the world of men, too, shall tremble; mountains be overthrown, defences totter, walls come toppling to the ground.

21. All through this hill-country of mine my word shall run, The sword! And with that, the Lord says, friend shall turn his sword against friend;

22. ordeal they shall have of pestilence and of blood-letting, of lashing storm and great hail-stones; fire and brimstone I will rain down upon them, all that great army and the hordes that follow with it.

23. My greatness, my holiness, shall then be displayed for a world of nations to see, and they will recognize my power at last.

“O passado não conta mais para o Senhor. O que conta é o presente e estar atento e pronto para reparar o que foi feito.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina