Trouvé 439 Résultats pour: Love

  • And now Amnon conceived a hatred of her that passed all measure; the love he once had for her could not compare with his hatred now; Up, he cried, and begone! (2 Samuel 13, 15)

  • Nothing but love for thy enemies, nothing but hatred for thy friends; never a thought, this day, for thy own captains and thy own men! If we were all dead, and Absalom still lived, I warrant thou hadst been the better pleased. (2 Samuel 19, 6)

  • and brought me out into freedom again; his great love befriended me. (2 Samuel 22, 20)

  • Lovingly thou dost treat those who love thee, faithfully the courageous; (2 Samuel 22, 26)

  • Great love had Solomon for the Lord, and followed the counsel of his father David, though indeed he too went to mountain shrines, to sacrifice and offer up incense. (1 Kings 3, 3)

  • Nay, is it some stranger, with no part in thy people Israel, who yet comes here from distant lands for love of thy renown? For indeed there will be talk of thy renown, of the constraining force thy power displays, all the world over. (1 Kings 8, 41)

  • Blessed be the Lord thy God, who, in his eternal love for Israel, has brought thee, his favourite, to the throne, given thee a king’s power to do justice and to make award! (1 Kings 10, 9)

  • Only, for the love of thy father David, I will not do it in thy life-time; it is thy son that shall lose his kingdom. (1 Kings 11, 12)

  • Not from his hand will I take the kingdom away, nor all of it; while he lives, I will grant him rule over it, for love of my chosen servant David, that kept command and decree of mine faithfully; (1 Kings 11, 34)

  • but had now gone to Jezrahel to recover from the wounds Hazael’s men had given him.) As you love me, Jehu said, let no one make his escape from the city, or news of this will reach Jezrahel. (2 Kings 9, 15)

  • Such love had I to the house of my God; and now, over and above the preparations I have made for this holy work, I offer gold and silver out of my own purse for the temple’s needs; (1 Chronicles 29, 3)

  • Nay, is it some stranger, with no part in thy people Israel, who yet comes here from distant lands, for love of thy renown, for the constraining force thy power displays, and worships thee in this temple? (2 Chronicles 6, 32)

“O bem dura eternamente.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina