Trouvé 439 Résultats pour: Love
would yet knit thy fathers closely to him in his great love, and make choice of you, their sons, above all other nations in the world; the proof of it is before you. (Deuteronomy 10, 15)
Yours, then, to love the Lord your God, and be true at all times to every decree and observance, every award and command of his; (Deuteronomy 11, 1)
Remember the commandments I am giving you, live by them, love the Lord your God, be true to him, follow all the paths he has chosen for you, (Deuteronomy 11, 22)
Do not listen to such words from prophet or dreamer; it means that the Lord thy God is putting thee to the proof, to see whether he has the love of thy whole heart and thy whole soul or not. (Deuteronomy 13, 3)
But it may be he will refuse to leave thee, for the love he bears to thee and to thy household, and for the happiness he finds in thy service. (Deuteronomy 15, 16)
If a Levite gives up his home in any city of Israel, for love of the place the Lord has chosen, and comes to dwell there instead, (Deuteronomy 18, 6)
Thou art to love the Lord thy God and follow the path he has chosen for thee, to hold fast by all his commandments and observances and decrees, if thou wouldst live and thrive and prosper through him in the land that is to be thy home. (Deuteronomy 30, 16)
Wilt thou not learn to love the Lord thy God, and obey him, and keep close to his side? Thou hast no life, no hope of long continuance, but in him; shall not the land which he promised as a gift to thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, be thine to dwell in? (Deuteronomy 30, 20)
Of Benjamin he said, First in the Lord’s love, he shall dwell secure in that companionship. God will spread his pavilion over him at all times, rest on those hills.✻ (Deuteronomy 33, 12)
yet always keeping carefully in mind, and carrying out in act, the terms of that law which the Lord’s servant Moses enjoined upon you. You must still love the Lord your God, and follow the paths he has chosen, obeying his commandments, keeping close to him, and offering him the service of your heart and soul. (Joshua 22, 5)
You? said Josue. You are not fit to serve the Lord; he is a God set apart, fiercely jealous in his love, not one to overlook such sinful rebellions as yours; (Joshua 24, 19)
So perish all thy enemies, Lord; and may all those who love thee shine out glorious as the sun’s rising!✻ (Judges 5, 31)