Löydetty 319 Tulokset: Worship

  • If the Lord’s service mislikes you, choose some other way. Shall it be the gods your fathers worshipped in Mesopotamia, or the gods of the Amorrhites, in whose land you dwell? I and mine will worship the Lord. (Joshua 24, 15)

  • if you should forsake him in time to come, and worship other gods, he would repent of all his goodness to you, and you would be involved in misery and ruin. (Joshua 24, 20)

  • And the people told Josue, We will worship the Lord our God, and obey his commandments. (Joshua 24, 24)

  • And Israel remained true to the worship of the Lord as long as Josue lived, and during the life-time of men already growing old who long survived him; men who had witnessed the great things the Lord had done for Israel. (Joshua 24, 31)

  • And now the sons of Israel defied the Lord to his face, and began to worship the gods of the country-side. (Judges 2, 11)

  • Not for them the Lord God of their fathers, who had rescued them from Egypt; they must have new gods to worship, gods of the nations that dwelt around them; they must challenge the Lord’s anger (Judges 2, 12)

  • still they would play the wanton, and worship alien gods; so quick were they to forsake their father’s ways, and disobey the Lord’s known will. (Judges 2, 17)

  • then, once he was dead, the sons would prove worse than their fathers before them; would pay court to alien gods, and enslave themselves to alien worship; still they would not leave their false imaginings, the rebellious path they trod. (Judges 2, 19)

  • mated with their daughters, and gave Israelite wives to their sons, and so came to worship their gods. (Judges 3, 6)

  • He set apart a shrine for the worship of God,✻ furnished it with vestments and household deities and installed one of his sons as the priest of it. (Judges 17, 5)

  • Here is thy sister-in-law gone back, Noemi said, back to her own people and the gods they worship; do thou, too, go with her. (Ruth 1, 15)

  • and now, in my turn, I make a grant of him to the Lord, a grant that shall be long as his life. Then they offered the Lord worship, and Anna made this prayer which follows. (1 Samuel 1, 28)

“Mesmo a menor transgressão às leis de Deus será levada em conta.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina