Löydetty 319 Tulokset: Worship
That is why I am offering first-fruits, now, out of the land which the Lord has given me. So leave them there, in the presence of the Lord thy God, and when thou hast paid worship to this Lord and God of thine, (Deuteronomy 26, 10)
not swerving to right or left, not following the worship of other gods than thine. (Deuteronomy 28, 14)
Exile awaits thee, awaits the king thou hast chosen to rule over thee; the Lord will carry thee away into a land thou and thy fathers never heard of, where thou must needs worship alien gods, of wood and stone; (Deuteronomy 28, 36)
This way and that, among all the nations from earth’s end to earth’s end, the Lord will scatter it; and in exile thou wilt worship such alien gods as thou and thy fathers never heard of, gods of wood and stone. (Deuteronomy 28, 64)
because they enslaved themselves to the worship of alien gods unknown to them, gods that were no gods of theirs. (Deuteronomy 29, 26)
And the Lord said to Moses, Thou wilt be laid to rest among thy fathers, and before long this people of mine, settled now in the land they have invaded, will begin to play the wanton, and to worship alien gods; will forsake me, and cancel their covenant with me. (Deuteronomy 31, 16)
I mean to settle them in this land that is all milk and honey, my promised gift to their fathers; and they will no sooner have eaten their fill and grown fat on it, than they will turn to alien gods and worship them; they will defy me, and annul their covenant with me. (Deuteronomy 31, 20)
He must endure the rivalry of alien worship, must look on indignantly at their detestable doings. (Deuteronomy 32, 16)
With this message the general assembly of the Lord’s people had entrusted them: What means this impiety? Would you forsake the Lord God of Israel, withdraw from his worship, and raise an unhallowed altar? (Joshua 22, 16)
Has he not put Jordan there as a barrier between us and you? Men of Ruben and Gad, the Lord will have none of you! Should we allow them such an opportunity of stealing our children away from the worship of the Lord? No, we were better advised than that. (Joshua 22, 25)
You must not consort with these nations that survive, and learn to swear by the names of their gods, or enslave yourselves to their worship; (Joshua 23, 7)
if you do not keep true to the covenant the Lord your God has made with you. Enslave yourselves to the worship of other gods, and the Lord’s vengeance will come upon you swiftly and suddenly, till the fair land he has given you knows you no more. (Joshua 23, 16)