Löydetty 209 Tulokset: Truth
truth to covet, hold wisdom, and self-command, and discernment for treasured heirlooms. (Proverbs 23, 23)
Great wrong it is to sell judgement; wouldst thou barter truth away for a mouthful of bread? (Proverbs 28, 21)
Sayings of much import he devised, and nothing his pen set down but was truth unalloyed. (Ecclesiastes 12, 10)
What wisdom is, whence came its birth, I will now make known to you. Not for me to withhold the secret; from first to last I will tell the story of her origin, bring to light all that may be known of her, no word of the truth passed by. (Wisdom of Solomon 6, 24)
though life itself were in peril, never be ashamed to speak the truth. (Ecclesiasticus 4, 24)
Speak thou never against the known truth; and if thy ignorance has erred, own thy error. (Ecclesiasticus 4, 30)
never let him attend on thee, or sit at thy right hand. His eyes are on thy place; a time will come when he will sit where thou sittest, when thou wilt recognize the truth of my warning, and be stung by the memory. (Ecclesiasticus 12, 12)
Long life and good discernment are the bread this mother will provide for him, truth the refreshing draught she will give him to drink. She will take firm hold of him, so that he never wavers, (Ecclesiasticus 15, 3)
Wise man that has the gift of utterance does more than wisely live; no stranger to truth and right, he is a fountain of true sayings and of right awards. (Ecclesiasticus 18, 29)
it is another thing to utter the plain word that tells the whole truth. Here is one that wears the garb of penance for wicked ends, his heart full of guile; (Ecclesiasticus 19, 23)
What things are these I write of? What but the life-giving book that is the covenant of the most High, and the revelation of all truth? (Ecclesiasticus 24, 32)
Those who fear the Lord will discover where right lies, the light of truth shall shine from their awards;✻ (Ecclesiasticus 32, 20)