Löydetty 209 Tulokset: Truth

  • Fit answer for those who taunt me, that I rely on thy truth. (Psalms 118, 42)

  • Unchanging truth is thy word’s fountain-head, eternal the force of thy just decrees. (Psalms 118, 160)

  • Many there were that went out into the desert at this time, for love of truth and right; (1 Maccabees 2, 29)

  • Largesse the priests had, and many were the gifts passed from hand to hand, when the truth of the matter was proved.✻ (2 Maccabees 1, 35)

  • And when he reached Jerusalem, and there received a gracious welcome from the high priest, he made no secret of the information he possessed, or of his errand, and he would know the truth about these moneys. (2 Maccabees 3, 9)

  • A tongue that speaks truth, lips that scorn impiety; (Proverbs 8, 7)

  • Nothing but his honest thought a lover of truth declares, a false witness nothing but lies. (Proverbs 12, 17)

  • Lips that speak the truth shall fade never; a lie serves but the haste of the moment. (Proverbs 12, 19)

  • Truth is the quest of discerning minds, trifling the pasture-ground of the foolish. (Proverbs 15, 14)

  • Prize of the discerning heart, quest of the wise man’s ear, is to learn truth. (Proverbs 18, 15)

  • An innocent man is the first to lay bare the truth; let his neighbour come and search him as he will.✻ (Proverbs 18, 17)

  • Better the poverty which keeps to honest ways, than the lot of a rich man who never learned to speak truth.✻ (Proverbs 19, 1)

“Lembre-se de que você tem no Céu não somente um pai, mas também uma Mãe”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina