Löydetty 65 Tulokset: Prophecy
Thereupon I fell at his feet, to worship him. But he said, Never that; keep thy worship for God; I am only thy fellow servant, one of those brethren of thine who hold fast the truth concerning Jesus. It is the truth concerning Jesus that inspires all prophecy.✻ (Revelation 19, 10)
Patience, I am coming soon. Blessed is he who holds fast the words of prophecy this book contains. (Revelation 22, 7)
Then the command came to me, Do not seal up the words of prophecy that are contained in this book; the time is close at hand.✻ (Revelation 22, 10)
To all who hear the words of prophecy this book contains, I give this warning. If anyone adds to them, God will add to his punishment the plagues which this book threatens; (Revelation 22, 18)
and if anyone cancels a word in this book of prophecy, God will cancel his share in the book of life, in the holy city, in all that this book promises.✻ (Revelation 22, 19)