Löydetty 65 Tulokset: Prophecy
Thus talking with a strange tongue is a sign given to unbelievers, not to the faithful; whereas prophecy is meant for the faithful, not for unbelievers. (1 Corinthians 14, 22)
do not hold prophecy in low esteem; (1 Thessalonians 5, 20)
This charge, then, I give into thy hands, my son Timothy, remembering how prophecy singled thee out, long ago. Serve, as it bade thee, in this honourable warfare, (1 Timothy 1, 18)
A special grace has been entrusted to thee; prophecy awarded it, and the imposition of the presbyters’ hands went with it; do not let it suffer from neglect.✻ (1 Timothy 4, 14)
After all, he to whom the prophecy relates belonged to a different tribe, which never produced a man to stand at the altar; (Hebrews 7, 13)
Yet always you must remember this, that no prophecy in scripture is the subject of private interpretation. (2 Peter 1, 20)
It was never man’s impulse, after all, that gave us prophecy; men gave it utterance, but they were men whom God had sanctified, carried away, as they spoke, by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1, 21)
A blessing on him who reads this, and on all who listen to these words of prophecy, and keep true to their message; the time is close at hand. (Revelation 1, 3)
Yet here and there I have fault to find with thee; thou allowest the woman Jezabel, who claims the gift of prophecy, to mislead my servants with her teaching, so that they fall into fornication, and eat what is offered to idols. (Revelation 2, 20)
Then he said to me, Thou art to make a fresh prophecy, which concerns many peoples, many races, many languages, and many kings. (Revelation 10, 11)
Meanwhile I will give the power of prophecy to my two witnesses; for twelve hundred and sixty days they shall prophesy, dressed in sackcloth;✻ (Revelation 11, 3)
Their bodies will lie in the open street, in that great city which is called Sodom or Egypt in the language of prophecy; there, too, their Lord was crucified. (Revelation 11, 8)