Löydetty 230 Tulokset: Hope

  • At last Sechenias the son of Jehiel, of Aelam’s clan, said to him, We have offended our God by marrying foreign wives, women of the neighbouring peoples; but is there no hope of pardon for Israel? (Ezra 10, 2)

  • And now they complained, These men are our brothers; of one race, they and we, of one race, their sons and ours; and here are we, with some of our daughters bondwomen already, giving up sons and daughters to slavery still, and no hope of ransoming them; here are lands and vineyards of ours given over to the enjoyment of others! (Nehemiah 5, 5)

  • but as for recovering the money, I have little hope. Here is one who is a stranger to me, and I to him; what proof can I bring forward? Meanwhile, I must find my way to Rages, and of that I have no experience. (Tobit 5, 2)

  • Then, when the third night is past, take the maid to thyself with the fear of the Lord upon thee, moved rather by the hope of begetting children than by any lust of thine. So, in the true line of Abraham, thou shalt have joy of thy fatherhood. (Tobit 6, 22)

  • Thou, Lord, art my witness that I wed this sister of mine not from love of dalliance; only in the dear hope of leaving a race behind me, a race in whose destiny, Lord, may thy name be ever blessed! (Tobit 8, 9)

  • The mother’s grief there was no consoling; My son, my son, she cried, why did we ever let thee go on thy travels? The light of our eyes, the support of our old age, our comfort in life, our hope of posterity when we are gone; (Tobit 10, 4)

  • Lord God of Israel, she said, give me strength! Now guide these hands aright, and give Jerusalem the relief thou hast promised; now be the task performed, but for the hope of thy aid, undreamed of! (Judith 13, 7)

  • for the Jews, it was a dawn of new hope, a day of gladness and triumphant glory. (Esther 8, 16)

  • And still would I see his children bereft of hope, ground down by false judgement, and none to bring redress; (Job 5, 4)

  • his to exalt men of low esteem, to comfort the mourner with new hope. (Job 5, 11)

  • In what strength should I hold out? In what hope repose? (Job 6, 11)

  • Some hope I had in my friends, but all is disappointment; with eyes that will not meet mine, they come to visit me.✻ (Job 6, 20)

“É difícil tornar-se santo. Difícil, mas não impossível. A estrada da perfeição é longa, tão longa quanto a vida de cada um. O consolo é o repouso no decorrer do caminho. Mas, apenas restauradas as forças, é necessário levantar-se rapidamente e retomar a viagem!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina