Löydetty 230 Tulokset: Hope
the law had nothing in it of final achievement. Instead, a fuller hope has been brought into our lives, enabling us to come close to God. (Hebrews 7, 19)
Do not let us waver in acknowledging the hope we cherish; we have a promise from one who is true to his word. (Hebrews 10, 23)
Let a man be convicted by two or three witnesses of defying the law of Moses, and he dies, without hope of mercy.✻ (Hebrews 10, 28)
Do not throw away that confidence of yours, with its rich hope of reward; (Hebrews 10, 35)
Faith taught him to live as a stranger in the land he had been promised for his own, encamping there with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of a common hope; (Hebrews 11, 9)
And I make this request the more earnestly, in the hope of being restored to you the sooner. (Hebrews 13, 19)
such a man must not hope to win any gift from the Lord. (James 1, 7)
Blessed be that God, that Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy has begotten us anew, making hope live in us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (1 Peter 1, 3)
through him you have learned to be faithful to God, who raised him from the dead and endowed him with glory; your faith and your hope are to be centred in God. (1 Peter 1, 21)
enthrone Christ as Lord in your hearts. If anyone asks you to give an account of the hope which you cherish, be ready at all times to answer for it, (1 Peter 3, 15)
Be shepherds to the flock God has given you. Carry out your charge as God would have it done, cordially, not like drudges, generously, not in the hope of sordid gain; (1 Peter 5, 2)
I might add to this letter, but I have thought it best not to entrust my message to paper and ink; I hope to visit you, and convey it by word of mouth, to give you happiness in full measure. (2 John 1, 12)