Gefunden 63 Ergebnisse für: Salvation
yes, it is from Jerusalem the remnant will come, from mount Sion that we shall win salvation; so tenderly he loves us, the Lord of hosts. (2 Kings 19, 31)
A blessing on the wood that can so procure salvation! (Wisdom of Solomon 14, 7)
yes, it is from Jerusalem the remnant will come, from mount Sion that we shall win salvation; so tenderly he loves us, the Lord of hosts. (Isaiah 37, 32)
Use thee I will, he promises, nor with thy service be content, when the tribes of Jacob thou hast summoned, brought back the poor remnant of Israel; nay, I have appointed thee to be the light of the Gentiles, in thee I will send out my salvation to the furthest corners of the earth. (Isaiah 49, 6)
Thus says the Lord, Here is a time of pardon, when prayer of thine shall be answered, a day of salvation, when I will bring thee aid. I have kept thee in readiness, to make, by thy means, a covenant with my people.✻ Thine to revive a ruined country, to parcel out the forfeited lands anew, (Isaiah 49, 8)
He has raised up a sceptre of salvation for us among the posterity of his servant David,✻ (Luke 1, 69)
salvation from our enemies, and from the hand of all those who hate us. (Luke 1, 71)
thou wilt make known to his people the salvation that is to release them from their sins. (Luke 1, 77)
Jesus turned to him and said, To-day, salvation has been brought to this house; he too is a son of Abraham. (Luke 19, 9)
When God sent his Son into the world, it was not to reject the world, but so that the world might find salvation through him.✻ (John 3, 17)
You worship you cannot tell what, we worship knowing what it is we worship; salvation, after all, is to come from the Jews; (John 4, 22)
I am the door; a man will find salvation if he makes his way in through me; he will come and go at will, and find pasture. (John 10, 9)