Gefunden 14 Ergebnisse für: Pilgrimage

  • Then, passing further on thy way, thou wilt reach the oak of Thabor, and fall in with three men on pilgrimage to Bethel; one with three goats, one with three loaves of bread, one with a flagon of wine; (1 Samuel 10, 3)

  • And this was the plan he devised; he made two golden calves, and said to the men of Israel, Here are your gods; the same gods that rescued you from the land of Egypt; no need to make pilgrimage to Jerusalem any more. (1 Kings 12, 28)

  • Here was great sin caused; all the way to Dan men would go on pilgrimage, to worship a calf. (1 Kings 12, 30)

  • my whole soul thirsts for God, the living God; shall I never again make my pilgrimage into God’s presence? (Psalms 41, 3)

  • How blessed is the man who finds his strength in thee! Where there are hearts set on pilgrimage, (Psalms 83, 6)

  • What need for man to ask questions that are beyond his scope? There is no knowing how best his life should be spent, this brief pilgrimage that passes like a shadow, and is gone. And what will befall after his death, in this world beneath the sun, who can tell? (Ecclesiastes 7, 1)

  • Look around thee at Sion, goal of our pilgrimage, see where Jerusalem lies, an undisturbed dwelling-place; here is tent securely fixed, its pegs immoveable, its ropes never to be broken. (Isaiah 33, 20)

  • Wanton though Israel be, at least let Juda shun the wrong; not for them the way that leads to Galgal, Bethaven’s pilgrimage, or the oath taken by the living God …✻ (Hosea 4, 15)

  • Not to Bethel, not to Galgal’s ring-shrine, or Bersabee pilgrimage; a long road yonder circle shall lead you, a road that never returns; house of God shall not avail you, that is home of idols now! (Amos 5, 5)

  • Fools, that by the shame of Samaria take their oaths, pin their faith to Dan’s worship or Bersabee pilgrimage! Here is fall there is no amending. (Amos 8, 14)

  • Alas, what betokens it? What but Jacob’s going astray, what but guilt of Israel’s line? Head and front of Jacob’s sinning Samaria needs must be, sure as Jerusalem is Juda’s place of pilgrimage.✻ (Micah 1, 5)

  • This promise I give you from the Lord of hosts: What alien throngs, from what far cities, shall make pilgrimage yet! (Zechariah 8, 20)

“Aquele que procura a vaidade das roupas não conseguirá jamais se revestir com a vida de Jesus Cristo.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina