Gefunden 14 Ergebnisse für: Ministry
but all the sons of Levi are thy brethren, and these, all that come of thy father’s tribe, thou mayest call in to relieve thee by their ministry, while thou and thy sons minister in the tabernacle that bears record of me. (Numbers 18, 2)
A peerless champion they found, in Aaron, that quickly took up the shield of his appointed ministry; the power of intercession that was his, and the atoning incense, held thy wrath in check, and brought the calamity to an end; none could doubt now he was the man of thy choice! (Wisdom of Solomon 18, 21)
And so, when the days of his ministry were at an end, he went back to his house. (Luke 1, 23)
Judas was counted among our number, and had been given a share in this ministry of ours. (Acts 1, 17)
while we devote ourselves to prayer, and to the ministry of preaching. (Acts 6, 4)
and he greeted them, and told them point by point of all that God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. (Acts 21, 19)
you must shew deference to such persons, to everyone who shares in the labours of our ministry. (1 Corinthians 16, 16)
Being entrusted, then, by God’s mercy, with this ministry, we do not play the coward;✻ (2 Corinthians 4, 1)
We are careful not to give offence to anybody, lest we should bring discredit on our ministry; (2 Corinthians 6, 3)
he, too, is the man whom the churches have appointed to be our companion in this gracious ministry of ours, to further the Lord’s glory and our own resolve. (2 Corinthians 8, 19)
while we sent our brother Timothy, who exercises God’s ministry in preaching the gospel of Christ, to confirm your resolution, and give you the encouragement your faith needed. (1 Thessalonians 3, 2)
and Luke is my only companion. Join company with Mark, and bring him here with thee; he can help me with the exercise of his ministry (2 Timothy 4, 11)